Incorrect login information

by smite82

Original Post

Incorrect login information

★★★ Newbie

What do I do about this just paid 29.99 for the game and it does this.  Please help. It says incorrect login information.  Please check your credentials and try again.  Please help me or refund my money please

Message 1 of 6 (492 Views)

Re: Incorrect login information

Community Manager

Hey @smite82 that error means exactly what it says, the info you are entering does not match that on your account.


The best thing to do is to ensure the info you are entering is correct.



Message 2 of 6 (458 Views)

Re: Incorrect login information

★★★★ Novice
@EA_Darko most of the players are having same problems and ea online help also verified to me that my account is correct and all i get is they said wait for update. we are not dumb about incorrect or correct. one or two players may have same problem but this one is all sim city players are all having same error. now you think where is the problem?
Message 3 of 6 (449 Views)

Re: Incorrect login information

★★★★ Novice
@EA_Darko i bought my sim pack just 4 days back and bought also most of the add ons just to enjoy playing the games this holiday and this problem arises how many days now. so pls instead of making us feel like were dumb just give us some hope. we pay to enjoy the play not to get insulted by your team.
Message 4 of 6 (446 Views)

Re: Incorrect login information

Community Manager

You can speak with our live support team for any account issues @jobiea.



Message 5 of 6 (430 Views)

Re: Incorrect login information

★★★★ Novice
@EA_Darko i already did that 3 days back and thats the first thing i did the minute i got this problem. they verified my account and reset my password and ultimately they told me wait for any updates. and clearly mention to them my problem is not on my ea account. i dont have any prob on my EA account once i login. once i run sim city thats where the problem arises. it will tell me incorrect login info. my game is new i was able to play it for a few days then just suddenly after that i cant play sim city anymore keeps giving me the same error. i had done all i think to eliminate maybe other things that may contribute to the error like to the extent i reformatted my PC to make sure it is clean. but no luck
Message 6 of 6 (425 Views)