I forgot my EA Account security question

by michciu961

Original Post

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.




Account security issues will have to be handled by an EA Advisor via phone. You can contact them here:



Message 231 of 384 (1,169 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

★★★ Newbie

Basically i live in greece and the only way of me actually changing my security question is to either contact them (i cant i will get charged like 100euros) or them calling me (they cant cause i dont live in the USA or Canada) like how else am I supposed to contact them if there is no other option ?!

Message 232 of 384 (1,106 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.




Since your region currently doesn't have a dedicated support channel, you may also use Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services like Skype, Viber, or Google Voice, to call Customer Service, regardless of where you are calling from.


International calls made using VoIP are generally far less expensive than calls made from a mobile phone or landline.


Open the VOIP program or app of your choice, then dia the following number to reach out to our United Kingdom channel:


+44 203 014 1818 - they can be reached Monday to Saturday 9AM to 9PM GMT.

Message 233 of 384 (1,102 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

★★ Novice

I have the same problem, but I can't use these services since they cost money too.
This is insanely inconvenient and unfair to those who live anywhere else besides US and Canada, I would like to be able to make small changes in my own personal account without paying any unnecessary money. 

Message 234 of 384 (1,031 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.




For account security issues you will have to reach out as detailed in my previous post.


Do let me know if you have another type of issue and I will see what I can do.



Message 235 of 384 (1,024 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

★★ Novice

and this is why EA customer service is better than valve

Message 236 of 384 (923 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

★ Novice

This is totally dumb. I just want to change my Nick/Name and have to remember my security answer. Oh btw, I never remember making my name ABC6652A5428317 What the Heck EA?

And Secret Question / Security Answer was never been this irritating before. Thanks. 

And because I live in somewhere sunny while those nerds sleep, I hope to get an answer in several years.

Message 237 of 384 (825 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

Community Manager

@Adivanroot Hi, you can change the flag icon in the top right to get a region more closely to yours, that should give you an option to contact someone live, rather than by email. 

A live contact is needed for account issues, so that we can verify ownership. 

Stay and Play.png
Message 238 of 384 (812 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

★★★ Newbie

I forget my answer can I change it


Message 239 of 384 (757 Views)

Re: i forgot my security question on origin and i can't change my name.

Community Manager

@Dudeksa-1 Hi,

You will need to contact an EA Advisor: https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new

Note: Once on the support site, click on the flag in the top left corner and select your country. If yours is not listed, you may need to place an international call. Read more about it here: http://help.ea.com/en/article/contact-ea-help/

Choose "Origin" as product, your platform, "Manage my account" as topic and "Manage security settings" and describe your issue to see all available contact options.
If there is no phone support or live chat available at the time, please scroll down below the Answers HQ box to check our live support availability for your region.

Thank you,

Message 240 of 384 (1,203 Views)