2014-05-24 01:42 PM
i want to delete my origin account
2014-05-29 04:32 PM
I too want to delete this account as i didnt realise i had created one that was already linked to my psn account so now this one is useless.
2014-05-29 09:47 PM
@Stokenfresh Why can you not just stop using it? If you are set on deleting it, you should speak to an EA Game Advisor about it: https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/new
This article here describes how: https://help.ea.com/article/welcome-to-the-new-and-improved-ea-help-center#2
Log in with your Origin account and choose a "Product", "Category" and "Platform" to see all available contact options.
If there is no phone support or live chat available at the time, please scroll down below the Answer HQ box to check our live support availability for your region.
2014-05-31 02:18 PM
I have no games on mine and I have another alreadymileyhappy:
@AdventBahamut wrote:Why would you want to delete it? If you're done with that Origin account (or Origin in general) just don't use it. That way if sometime down the road you change your mind you'll still have your account and all games associated with that account.
2014-06-03 05:49 PM
my acc was made by a hacker, please im begging delete this acc, i have changed the password and i have also tried to delete it but , someone delete this acc (admins,gameadvisors,forumadmins)etc.
2014-06-08 06:57 PM
I want Delete this account too
2014-06-14 08:36 AM
@madmatteng wrote:yeap same problem, want this account deleted
@madmatteng wrote:yeap same problem, want this account deleted
@madmatteng wrote:yeap same problem, want this account deleted
2014-06-29 05:21 AM
This is so bogus. There should just be a "delete account" option so we could all just do what we need to do and go on with life.
2014-07-02 03:13 PM
same my origin account has been hacked 'by a gamer called F50messiF502002 and is messing up all my fifa fut items i had neymar he sells my whole club can any ea workers help my problem
2014-07-07 02:55 AM
I have the same problem so i created this new account. but that didn't help i couldn't link PSN account to my new Origin account. And what does EA and Origin do about it nothing..:catfrustrated: