April 2018 - last edited April 2018
Hi @chiflower
You don’t need to pay for Origin Access to use Origin— >you can buy games through Origin and play them normally without any subscription .
NOTE If you pay the subscription , you get all you can play access to over 70 older games in EA’s “vault” and you also save 10% on every game or DLC purchase you make on Origin, and this discount applies even if the game is already on sale.
(I made a one-year subscription for my son and i bought a discount game plus the 10% discount above.As a personal opinion, it's a good deal Origin Acces )
More than that , as an additional bonus, you’ll typically gain access to new EA games five days before they’re released, without paying extra.
My Opinion is no more important or right than yours.I'm a gamer like you, trying to help you (i'm not an EA employee).
If you want to know us or/and come up with ideas to improve the Origin platform or/and talk about anything and many more besides,you could also visit the NEW section Origin General Discussion http://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/bd-p/origin-general-discussion-en