HELP Sims 3 not loading for iMac

by kstolicki

Original Post

HELP Sims 3 not loading for iMac

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

We recently bought an iMac and I downloaded Origin and Sims will not open. Anytime I try the dialog box comes up and says "Unknown Error Occurred"

I do still have the game installed on my laptop, could that be the issue?

Message 1 of 2 (156 Views)

Re: HELP Sims 3 not loading for iMac

Hey @kstolicki,

Welcome to the AHQ forums!



Please try to reinstall the game. 


Let us know....


Best regards,
If the answer is helpful: Grant XP/ Accept as Solution

Message 2 of 2 (133 Views)