Re: Cant delete battlefront II beta

by jrrdw

Original Post

Cant delete battlefront II beta

★★★ Guide

I participated in the battlefront II beta weekend but I had no access since then and I dont plan to buy the game anytime soon. I already uninstalled the beta files long ago. But still the beta is visible in origin in the "my home" screen and there is no option to remove it. If I click on it I end up on the screen for ordering the full battlefront II game.

Message 1 of 4 (393 Views)

Re: Cant delete battlefront II beta

★★★★ Guide

What options do you get when you right click on the beta game tile?

Message 2 of 4 (380 Views)

Re: Cant delete battlefront II beta

★★★ Guide

None. I can only do left click as if I wanted to start it. There is no right-click option available.


Its hidden in the game library but when I make it visible there, there is also no option to remove it. I can only hide it there but that doesnt affect the issue above.

Message 3 of 4 (346 Views)

Re: Cant delete battlefront II beta

★★★ Guide


Message 4 of 4 (312 Views)