Re: lost in random physical game

by BlackjackWidow

Original Post

lost in random physical game

★★★ Newbie



I'm a nintendo switch player, I would like to know if the latest game "Lost In Random" has physical game coming up?? As I only buy physical game

Message 1 of 5 (8,117 Views)

Re: lost in random physical game

Hero (Retired)

Hi @limkatrina95 - I don't think there are any existing plans to release physical game copies at this time.


They have addressed it a few times on their Twitter account.


You could always tweet them to let them know you're interested in physical copies, but for now it's only available via digital purchase

Message 2 of 5 (8,022 Views)

Re: lost in random physical game

Community Manager (retired)

Hey @limkatrina95 as @BlackjackWidow stated, there are no current plans for a release, but a Card and Dice game is exactly what I have been wanting to play since LiR came out. I was wondering if anyone would show an interesting fan-made deck, similar to gwent in the witcher 3?


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Message 3 of 5 (8,015 Views)

Re: lost in random physical game

Hero (Retired)

@EA_Illium - I would love to see a board game with the same card & dice gameplay. I think it would be a wonderful addition to anyone's game night. Plus, I wouldn't have so many problems with navigation 😂

Message 4 of 5 (8,013 Views)

Re: lost in random physical game

Community Manager (retired)
@BlackjackWidow Even if they made a chess version like some of the mini-game areas.


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