September 2021
I'm a nintendo switch player, I would like to know if the latest game "Lost In Random" has physical game coming up?? As I only buy physical game
September 2021
Hi @limkatrina95 - I don't think there are any existing plans to release physical game copies at this time.
They have addressed it a few times on their Twitter account.
You could always tweet them to let them know you're interested in physical copies, but for now it's only available via digital purchase
September 2021
Hey @limkatrina95 as @BlackjackWidow stated, there are no current plans for a release, but a Card and Dice game is exactly what I have been wanting to play since LiR came out. I was wondering if anyone would show an interesting fan-made deck, similar to gwent in the witcher 3?
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September 2021
@EA_Illium - I would love to see a board game with the same card & dice gameplay. I think it would be a wonderful addition to anyone's game night. Plus, I wouldn't have so many problems with navigation 😂
September 2021
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