[Xbox] Dragon Age Inquisition crashing On Launch

by Lukeizdaman

Original Post

Re: [Xbox] Dragon Age Inquisition crashing On Launch

★★ Novice

Bonjour en espérant que vous verrez mon message lol j'ai réussis a réglé se problème sans l'aide d'EA qui comme il m'ont dit n'avais pas connaissance de se problème alors il y a une démarche à suivre et j'espère que sa t'aideras vue que toi tu es sur pc et moi Xbox 😅 mais voilà si tu as lié ton compte dragon age inquisition sur pc pour récupéré les données que tu avais sur une autre plateformes (Xbox ou ps4-5) il faut que tu retourne sur cette console et que tu supprime l'intégralité de tes données une fois fait tu retourne tu fait la même chose sur ton pc en supprimant en plus le jeux et ton profile puis tu redémarre ton pc en le laissant au moins 30min éteins entièrement puis tu réinstalle ton profile et ton jeux et tu reprend du plaisir a joué au jeux lol je l'ai fait et le jeu ne se coupe plus du tout au lancement j'ai supprimé mes données et le jeux sur ma xbox360 et one et j'ai tout supprimé aussi sur ma série s et en plus j'ai désinstallé mon profile et réinitialiser la console au paramétrage d'usine et la je joue et m'amuse sur le jeux en espérant que cela fonctionne pour toi bonne journée 😁

Message 71 of 78 (696 Views)

Re: [Xbox] Dragon Age Inquisition crashing On Launch

★★★ Newbie

I can tell you it's not the save file. I have been having the same problems on both my xbox one and on my x. I tried deleting all my saves and starting a new save and it STILL CRASHES not even 5 seconds into designing a new character. With the new Veilguard coming out soon, there are a lot of people who are going to be very upset that they can't play through the series in preparation. I know I am.

Message 72 of 78 (524 Views)

Re: Dragon Age Inquisition crash xbox

★★★★★ Newbie

This worked for me. Steps I took were I opened the game until I seen the loading icon. Right away I quick started another game and waited three seconds. Went back to dragons

 Age and it got passed the shut down stage and to the main menu.

Message 73 of 78 (316 Views)

Re: Dragon Age Inquisition crash xbox

★★★★★ Newbie

And right back to the shutting when I hit A to accept the user agreement lol

Message 74 of 78 (316 Views)

Re: Dragon Age Inquisition crash xbox

Community Manager

@69a9e227ed948530 which Xbox are you using? I tested my X and S both no issues so the game is working on Xbox. 


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Message 75 of 78 (286 Views)

Re: Dragon Age Inquisition crash xbox

★★★★★ Newbie

Series S digital edition.

Message 76 of 78 (267 Views)

Re: Dragon Age Inquisition crash xbox

Community Manager

@69a9e227ed948530 See if these work. Sometimes it is a cache issue on the console. Sometimes it is just a network refresh with your modem or router. I asked, there are no current issues with the game at the moment. I would also have a look-see at the Xbox Troubleshooting page.


  • Quit all running Apps (For Series X|S consoles)
  • Remove any connected device, or additional USBs from the console then restart the Xbox and check for updates
  • Try the steps in our Connection and Advance Connection Guides
  • Open you're Xbox NAT Type
  • Change DNS settings (You can use the public Google DNS primary:, secondary: 

Alternate Mac:

  • Go to settings > Select General  > Then Network settings
  • Go to advanced settings > Alternate Mac address > Select clear
  • Select restart


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Message 77 of 78 (258 Views)

Re: Dragon Age Inquisition crash xbox

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

I mean this with all due respect but the Community manager don’t know anything. They have been feeding folks the same bull crap about cache thing for years now n it don’t work for anybody. I’ve helped more people on here than they have. N I can give u an easy solution the works for everyone I’ve told it to. Start the game on a profile that hasn’t played it and it will work. Now when u get to the main menu of the game after it connects to the “Dragon Age servers” press the button that says change profile n then change to your actual account that you want to play the game with. But keep in mind u cannot log the other account out and it must stay logged in the entire time and all your doing is switching to your main profile when the main menu loads up. It an easy process but the problem with the game lies with connecting to the servers for whatever reason but whatever the case may be this is the best work around. 

Message 78 of 78 (249 Views)