Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

by ObsidianRose80

Original Post

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

[ Edited ]

Yep, me too (Xbox One), bottom centre.

Quest recognises it was picked up (tent south west of Echo Back Canyon camp), but not shown on the wall...


Mostly following BioWare & Star Wars games. Old timer. Helping out here does not mean I work for EA. I don't have all the answers. On Xbox. Also hangs out on BSN. 

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Message 21 of 27 (1,494 Views)

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

★ Guide

It's a known bug.

Message 22 of 27 (1,486 Views)

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

[ Edited ]

Thanks for advising that it's 'known'.


In fact I'll 'head canon' it to be with Gatsi for cleaning Confusedmileyhappy:

@Tinolyn wrote:

It's a known bug.



Mostly following BioWare & Star Wars games. Old timer. Helping out here does not mean I work for EA. I don't have all the answers. On Xbox. Also hangs out on BSN. 

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Message 23 of 27 (1,379 Views)

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

★ Novice

Didn't know that it was a display bug, I almost tore my hair out trying to find it and the ones inside the Abyssal Dragon cave. I thought those two counted as 1 for the collection quest. Glad it's a known issue. So yeah, it would be great if they could fix that.

Message 24 of 27 (1,337 Views)

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

It seems two pieces share the same plot ID. For PC: Until it's officially fixed, there is a 'Community Patch' on nexusmods which fixes this (only working if you haven't found them yet).


In my case: Gatsi tried to clean it, broke it and is on for trial...

Message 25 of 27 (1,330 Views)

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

★★★ Newbie
the problem I'm having with the mosaic pieces is the one in the Emerald Graves that you had to bust down a wall to get, I did and had already picked up. I finally collected all the rest of them but that was still not showing up. Ii even went back a ton of times hoping that I was wrong and over looked it but alas,I was not and it didn't regenerate. This is the glitches game I think I've ever played, EVER. I wish they would fix this and A LOT of other things with the game.
Message 26 of 27 (1,216 Views)

Re: Mosaic pieces not showing in Skyhold

★★★ Newbie

exact same piece is missing for me to, just completed the collection and still one piece missing on the wall, very frustrating for a completionist

Message 27 of 27 (1,133 Views)