[Investigating] EA app DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working

by Matullon

Original Post

Re: [UPDATE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager

@Furblis @Zerkatil This was closed out a month ago as resolved. What precisely happens when you log into the DAI MP?


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Message 61 of 64 (863 Views)

Re: [UPDATE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide
@EA_Shepard Hi Shepard, been a while! Hope you're doing well! :D

I haven't played for a while but I will check and inform you if there are any issues!

Message 62 of 64 (685 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★★★★★ Newbie

Pretty disappointing I'm checking this thread literally 1 year later and there's not a single fix for this issue. Big thanks to the other player who notified us this game is sunset, while EA mods pretend it isn't. Disappointment. 

Message 63 of 64 (537 Views)

Re: [Investigating] EA app DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working

Community Manager

Hey, Inquisitors!


This issue has been reported to the team as there have been more reports on other games.


The team is looking into these reports. Once we have an update on this we will let you know what's happening on our end!


Stay tuned for more updates!




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Message 64 of 64 (514 Views)