[Investigating] EA app DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working

by Matullon

Original Post

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide
@cystro Sadly yes... Still not working properly...
Message 51 of 64 (1,237 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★★ Novice

I've been having issues sharing my world state on Dragon Age keep with my friend. Most of the time my friend list wont even load and the 10% of the time it does it ends up just saying "Oops, an error occurred. Please refresh the page and retry." and still ends up never working. 

Message 52 of 64 (1,191 Views)

Re: Dragon age inqusition private multiplayer error

★★★ Newbie


There is real problem with the skills of the dev team. I've never seen a game with that kind of critical bug lasting for years. The MP matchmaking has so many bugs. Have they ever tested it? If they don't fix this bug, how can they expect that we will buy their next games? We just don't know what will work, and which bugs will be fixed.

Better hire skilled devs with xp on this kind of ww matchmaking feature.


Message 53 of 64 (1,138 Views)

Re: Dragon age inqusition private multiplayer error

Community Manager

@Zorggh Let's keep it chill. The issue has nothing to do with the skills of a development team. I understand it is frustrating but if the thread goes sideways and non game related, it will be locked down


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Message 54 of 64 (1,119 Views)

Re: [UPDATE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager
Untitled drawing (2).png


Hey, Inquisitors!


I am looking into this one again for you. I have reached out to some people who know some people who know something about it!


I want to get the best info I can for you before action is taken on this issue.


Once we get word on this issue, we will update the thread and let you know what is happening!




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Message 55 of 64 (1,116 Views)

Re: [UPDATE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide

Hi @EA_Shepard hope you're doing well! Oh that is wonderful news!! Thank you for sharing!

Message 56 of 64 (1,103 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★★★ Newbie

My hubby & I are currently trying to multi-player game Dragon Age Inquisition 6-23-2024 and getting nothing but frustration. I don't understand why it's touted as multi-player without actually being able to do so. Spent money on a game we cannot run together. 

Message 57 of 64 (1,010 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide

Hi! Try going into the dungeon and invite him when you're inside! Or vice versa! It works for me and my friends! Standard smile

Message 58 of 64 (992 Views)

Re: [UPDATE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★★★ Newbie

Do we have any movement on this?

Message 59 of 64 (850 Views)

Re: [UPDATE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager
Hi @Zerkatil, It was reopened with the team. Most are working on DA: TV so issues like this are taking longer than usual.


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Message 60 of 64 (838 Views)