Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

by EA_Shepard

Original Post

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Yes, it’s still happening. And it happens after I join a match. I also tried entering my friend’s game from the PS home but then this error happened. We both have every DLC too. Plus we both play on the PS5. 

Message 21 of 64 (1,086 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager

@Furblis I followed up on this one. Should be resolved but I do see some folks still are having issues. I let the team know. With invites like this, it may be affecting more areas than one game. Which it was originally, so I messaged them and let them know. 


I know there have been some workarounds on this one but they have not worked for all players from the threads I have read!


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Message 22 of 64 (1,045 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide

Ok thank you! I will keep trying 😊

Message 23 of 64 (1,177 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager
Hi @Furblis, curious, can y'all start an out-of-game party before you go in-game and group up?


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Message 24 of 64 (1,174 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide

Will do! I’ve informed my friend and we’ll do that as she gets online! 

Message 25 of 64 (1,167 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★★★ Newbie

The game worked before when we played on pc, using the at the time origin launcher. Now its a separate EA launcher? We can get into random games but the game gets stuck whatever it does when we try to join each other, and have to manually force close the game to do anything else. Cant even test anything in the future as the one person I can play with will not touch the launcher or game again until its fixed... Well rip for me

Message 26 of 64 (1,157 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Hi @EA_Shepard! Sadly we’re getting the same errors. But we’re also in different regions except both our games and PS accounts are NA. Could that be why? Back then we were able to play together on the PS3 and PS4… Is the game region locked now? I’m in Kuwait and she’s in the USA. 


We also used quick match and then she entered another person’s game but not mine. 

Message 27 of 64 (1,138 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager

@Furblis Region can be a factor yes. Especially when it comes to how the network(s) are set up. Region issues become more of a console issue rather than a game issue. There isn't anything in the game that would allow a cross-region option to wor around that. Unless you tried a VPN, that would be the real only way to test it out.


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Message 28 of 64 (1,064 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

★ Guide

That’s a shame. Are there any plans to make the game region free like before? But will try VPN soon. 

Message 29 of 64 (1,057 Views)

Re: [AWARE] DA:I Multiplayer Friend Invites Not Working Since August 2023 on EA

Community Manager

@Furblis Not that i have seen no because region in most accounts is based on the platform not so much the game. Region can be affected like having an NA console, you but an EU game, or languages that the game supports.


Past that cross progression would be the only other real aspect of that from the games side. 


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Message 30 of 64 (1,054 Views)