Dragon Age Inquisition - "Hold" command does not work at all on PC version

by NoraCuspidora

Original Post

Dragon Age Inquisition - "Hold" command does not work at all on PC version

★★★★ Novice

As I said -- the "Hold" command does not work, so I am unable to do any of the puzzles that require positioning of party members. 


I select the character, place the character where I want them to stay on the puzzle, press the "Hold" icon, but then when I move to the next character, the original character simply moves out of position.


it happens every time, no exceptions,  all party members, every puzzle I have tried, bar none. 


The command is broken.  It does not work.  Period.


Is there a workaround for this?  Any plans to fi it?  I know I'm not the only person to have this issue. 

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