Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

by ArmOuhdalla

Original Post

Accepted Solution

DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★★★★★ Apprentice

So, after the latest login issue with EA last night, when it came back, the challenges in the game would not load or show up whatsoever. Even tracked ones in-game.

Now when you go in to the challenges menu, all you get is this error message: 

I do want to complete my Banker Disappointed

challenge error.png

Message 3 of 23 (961 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★ Novice

They are working again for me, on Pc.

View in thread

Message 18 of 23 (1,304 Views)

All Replies

DAI: Multiplayer Challenge Error [PC]

★★★ Newbie

All the sudden having trouble loading challenges when selected, it was working the day before but now Im not able to access any of my challenge lists.

Message 1 of 23 (960 Views)

Re: DAI: Multiplayer Challenge Error [PC]

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Same here. Just keeps throwing this error message when trying to open the challenge page, and it started occurring after EA login went down yesterday. Once it came back challenges would not workchallenge error.png

Message 2 of 23 (916 Views)

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★★★ Newbie

Hi have you found a fix. I have the same problem after redownloading the game

Message 4 of 23 (930 Views)

Challenge data is temporarily unavailable

★★★ Newbie

Challenge data is temporarily unavailable in dragon age inquisition coop. I do not see any fix for it even though the issue was brought up by another player just recently

Message 5 of 23 (930 Views)

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★★★★★ Apprentice
@ArmOuhdalla No solutions yet, as this is on EA's side.
Probably some coding gone wrong when the login servers went offline last night
Message 6 of 23 (921 Views)

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★ Guide

I also tested this on 3 separate platforms and received the same error. It seems to be an issue with the multiplayer aspect and not a local issue. Something that is caught pretty quickly. I got a new console for the office, so i was hoping to do some runs today just to plat catch up before DA TV. 

Message 7 of 23 (875 Views)

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★★★★★ Apprentice
@hamburgerprime So if the problem is consistent all across the spectrum, then it is definitely on EA's side.
This means that the challenges don't work on Xbox/PlayStation either.
It sucks that this had to happen now.
Message 8 of 23 (851 Views)

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

★ Guide

@THE_Crazy_Hyena If that is the case then yes. I can't speculate why but only what I did. I also got a long connection time to load into my save. That could have just been my side. I honestly am not sure.

Message 9 of 23 (847 Views)

Re: DAI:MP - Challenges are not working

Community Manager

Hey everyone, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'll forward it to the appropriate team. Please share the following information in the comments if you encounter this issue:


Gamertag/PSN id/Username:
Summary of Issue:
Potential Repro Steps:
Timestamp of the last attempt:


Message 10 of 23 (842 Views)