Linked accounts to EA but no cross progresion

by cegh2003

Original Post

Re: Cross progression not working

★ Pro

Not a problem! Anything I could do to help!

If you originally unlinked your Steam account from the EA Account that had your Steam progress, then you will lose all of your progression. The only way to get it back is to link it to it's previous EA Profile that had the saved data under your Steam.

Message 61 of 84 (204 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★★★ Novice



The steam account I unlinked had zero progress on the EA account it was linked to. I am just afraid when I link my steam to the EA account that I need it to, that there’s going to be some kind of issue considering my steam was linked to another EA account.

Message 62 of 84 (200 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★ Pro

No, there won't be any issues.

You will be eligible to play with your PC under the main EA Account that you mentioned previously.
Message 63 of 84 (198 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★★★ Novice



I’m sorry, I got confused for a bit there. I had just woken up. I understand now. Thank you so much lol. I’m glad to find out that I can use my main steam and EA accounts together without any issues. I’ve talked with two different people from EA and they couldn’t quite understand my issue, but you’re the MVP.

Message 64 of 84 (190 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★ Pro

We try the best we can to assist our users and players here in Answer HQ.

Just remember that 2 different EA Accounts cannot be merged.

Whatever platform account you want to use to merge your accounts just to play on that system and linked it under your main EA Account, you're eligible to do so
Message 65 of 84 (187 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★★★ Novice



To be clear, I am okay to unlink my Steam from the EA account that I do not need, then link it to the one with my heirlooms, skins, etc and be good to go? 😂

Message 66 of 84 (184 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★ Pro

Yes, you can unlink your Steam account and link it to your main EA Account that has your platform with all your progress Tongue out
Message 67 of 84 (181 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★★★ Novice



I apologize for asking for clarification so much lol, I am just very worried about possibly screwing all my progress up!

Message 68 of 84 (177 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★ Pro

No need to apologize. I am here to help you in anyway I can.

The only way you'll lose progress is if you unlinked your main platform account (whatever system you're using that has all your progress) from your main EA Account and linked it to another, it will result to progression loss.
Message 69 of 84 (176 Views)

Re: Cross progression not working

★★★ Novice



It worked! Only one issue! My level is 1? 😂 I was level 500?

Message 70 of 84 (167 Views)


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