Re: Apex derank bug?

by OvaTheRainbow

Original Post

Apex derank bug?

★★★ Newbie

Hello all

I was playing ranked and i've passed the trials to reach diamond4, after that i have lost some games reaching 18 ladder points, with 18 lp i lost a game, i should have 3 attempts with rank protection before deranking but i deranked to platinum1 at the first "no points" game lost, did anyone have the same issue? Is it a bug? Is there a way to have my rank back? Thanks

Message 1 of 2 (198 Views)

Re: Apex derank bug?

★ Novice

I had the excat same thing happen to me as well. was told to post in here to get a solution

Message 2 of 2 (154 Views)


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