Issue w/ quest prizes

by seanmeloy

Original Post

Issue w/ quest prizes

★★★ Newbie

I'm having an issue with the new Camouflaged Intentions update. Whenever I win a quest prize/reward(desert tree, oil rig) from the new update, I cannot see the prize. The prize will show that I have it in my inventory. But once I try to select the prize from my inventory, the game automatically tries to set the prize on my beach front(dock/marina/wharf), which I assume is cuz the rewards need to be placed on sand terrain. But I am not able to see the prize, it only shows the "check mark" and X" to set or exit the editing, no matter how big the prize is. And I have made a desert with the sand terrain prize/reward , but the game still autos the prizes to my beach and then they cannot be moved. 

And to troubleshoot the issue I logged out, restarted the game, and then logged back in. But that didn't fix the issue. 

Message 1 of 3 (164 Views)

Re: Issue w/ quest prizes

[ Edited ]

@seanmeloy - reading the reply from when you asked on Addicts should've helped.

Those don't have to go on sand, so it's likely an issue with your game files.

If, and only if, you play logged in then uninstall and re-install

If you play as Anonymous that'll delete the link to your game data and you'll lose everything

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PS - NO ADD ME'S   List is too full, sorry

Like you I'm only a player, but I hope I can help Standard smile
Message 2 of 3 (162 Views)

Rif.: Issue w/ quest prizes

Hai @seanmeloy , it would be useful to know what type of device you encountered this problem on. It would also be useful, if and only if, you play using an EA account (not to be done if you play in anonymous mode) to think about performing a clean installation of the game (uninstall, restart the device and reinstall the app)


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Message 3 of 3 (157 Views)