Dead email address

by steveffff

Original Post

Rif.: Simpsons tapped out email

@thatgirl2389 Another possibility is to recover (if you have recently abandoned it) or re-register (if it has been a long time) your old mailing address. This will allow you to receive the code and, if you wish, to change your address yourself


[Bafan The Wolfman]

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Message 21 of 44 (750 Views)

Change email

★★★ Newbie

After logging into my account I want to change my email from one that no longer exists [edit: email address removed] to an existing one however to change email I got to send code to the one I'm trying to change it add a secondary one which involves me having to send a code to an email I cannot lose but it gives me no options to change it although one of the help pages says go to login verification and click preferences under login verification and there is NO PREFRENCES BUTTON anywhere to be found on the page although the help page says there is..... Starting to think ea customer support is brain dead

Message 22 of 44 (762 Views)

Rif.: Change email

@RdgNova YOU ARE RIGHT, YOU CAN'T! In your case, ONLY by contacting support and convincing them (by answering their questions correctly) you can change your email that is no longer valid (you can find the link at the bottom of this page)!
If you want a suggestion, there is also another way which is to RECOVER (if you have recently lost your old address), or REGISTER it again (if you have abandoned it for a long time and it is still available)


[Bafan The Wolfman]

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Message 23 of 44 (775 Views)

Re: Lost tapped out

★★★ Newbie
@1-Graham-S I did this and they told me I didn’t have the correct info! How?! They never asked my security question. They did ask for my IP which I gave them. I didn’t have any billing or credit card attached which they asked for. I’m so mad. I’ve played since 2013! & spent real money 😭
Message 24 of 44 (721 Views)

Re: Lost tapped out

@mommakellogg - I've known people who've had to try a few times until they got it sorted, and a few who kept trying and failing until they lost the will to try.

Remember if they ask billing info etc. and you know they don't have it tell them None, it's not on my file.

Read through all the bits on your EA account and see just what they know and what they don't ( except your IP which they can see ) and answer with that info only.

Hope you get a great tech next try and get tapping again. Good luck.

There's a mention of a friend of mine who did get it sorted, and their experience and tips, on this Addicts article that might explain it better . . .

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PS - NO ADD ME'S   List is too full, sorry

Like you I'm only a player, but I hope I can help Standard smile
Message 25 of 44 (713 Views)

Can't access my yahoo email account to get the code and can't log in to the simp

★★★ Newbie

Can't access my yahoo mail account to get the code needed to log into the simpsons tapped out would like to change my email address so I can get the code needed for the log in screen 

Message 26 of 44 (660 Views)

Rif.: Can't access my yahoo email account to get the code and can't log in to th

@andruezach586 You need to contact assistance. keep reading this:


[Bafan The Wolfman]

CCP Hero Banner

Message 27 of 44 (647 Views)

Re: Dead email address

★★ Novice

I’m having the exact same problem! Even though my original email address is now dead, I was still able to login to the game just fine. 
I spoke with an agent and they managed to verify my account by checking IP address and they changed my old email to my current email. I can get emails through from agents, but any time I login to Tapped Out I don’t get a verification code sent to me. I’ve checked Spam folder and everything. 

this new system is such a joke! I’m furious!

Message 28 of 44 (625 Views)

Re: Dead email address

★★ Novice
@astrong79 I have the exact same issue
Message 29 of 44 (622 Views)

Re: Dead email address

★★ Guide
@sassysony me too!
Message 30 of 44 (617 Views)