Re: After Logging in I get stuck at loading screen

by tommygl1918

Original Post

After Logging in I get stuck at loading screen

★ Novice

For the last week I have not been able to get on the Simpson game on either my phone or pad. It starts up fine. It checks for upgrades. Allows me to log on. And then while it is loading my town it freezes. The doughnut stops spinning and nothing happens. I have tried on other phones with no luck. I had just purchased a large amount of doughnuts and can not access my game. My friends can not log into my city. I have tried many things to correct this problem on my own such as deleting the app and reinstalling, tiring different devices on different providers (aka Verizon over my AT&T) and I have tried changing my origin ID password. There is nothing wrong with the software because I can log in anonymously and the game starts just fine. There must be something wrong on your end. Please help me.


Edward Armstrong

Message 1 of 5 (2,555 Views)

Re: After Logging in I get stuck at loading screen

★ Novice

Why can't I call someone to get a quick response? I would rather wait on the phone for an hour then wait here and never know

Message 2 of 5 (2,534 Views)

Re: After Logging in I get stuck at loading screen

Community Manager

Hi eddiew79,


This sounds like a problem with your account. Please get in contact with an EA Game Advisor.




Your friendly neighbourhood forum admin.

Message 3 of 5 (2,526 Views)

Re: After Logging in I get stuck at loading screen

★ Novice


Message 4 of 5 (2,506 Views)

Re: After Logging in I get stuck at loading screen

★★★★ Novice
We are all having this problem "no connection to server & retry." Nothing works. I've followed every advise and article; relaunched, updated to 6.0 & iTunes, deleted & reinstalled, relaunched my router, did the minus shut off thing for the game... Nothing works. I have put in 5 cases & over 30 messages to EA's advisors & had no response. Everything is up to date & running great but thus game. I followed these directions;

Please try any of the following troubleshooting steps that you have yet to attempt:

- Change your connection method (3G to Wi-Fi or vice versa)

- Power cycle your modem and router: (if applicable)
1. Unplug your router, then your modem
2. Leave both unplugged for about 1 min.
3. Plug in your modem, then router

- Exit the game, then turn off and reset your device. Then try starting the game again.

- Ensure you are running the most current version of the game (check to see if there is an update available for the game through iTunes).

- Make sure your device has the latest software:

1. Download the latest version of iTunes from

Note: If you already have iTunes installed, open it and select Help > Check for Updates. Then install any available updates.

2. Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable, select your device in iTunes, and click the 'Update' button or 'Check for Update' button. Install the software update if available.

If these steps fail to resolve the issue, please provide the following information for further investigation:

1. Game Name:
2. Game Version: (shown in App store)
3. Type of issue: (crash, gameplay, other)
4. Description of how the error was encountered:
5. Device Type and Generation: (iPhone 3G/iPad 2/etc.)
6. Number of applications:
7. Memory Capacity:
8. Available Memory:

If available, please attach screen shots of crash logs.

Electronic Arts looks forward to hear from you. In case of any help, please get in touch with us anytime. Alternatively, please visit our extensive knowledgebase online:
Message 5 of 5 (2,477 Views)