[WORKAROUND] [SE] Extreme Sports won't complete if skills already maxed out

by MetaSuperficial

Original Post

Re: Snowy escape aspiration not completing

★★★ Novice

I am having this issue too, I had already reached max in all of the skills in snowy escape before starting this aspiration. Now it doesn't complete the task no matter what I do (other than cheating or backing up to a previous save).

Message 10 of 33 (891 Views)

Re: Snowy escape aspiration not completing

[ Edited ]

Would be really great if either of you could make a report in the bug forum.



Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 11 of 33 (886 Views)

Re: Snowy escape aspiration not completing

Message 13 of 33 (866 Views)

Re: Snowy escape aspiration not completing

★★★★★ Apprentice
@DonroaAkashu, tested mod-free and reported Standard smile

Message 14 of 33 (865 Views)

Re: Snowy escape aspiration not completing

@MetaSuperficial Thanks. Merged the other report in here.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 15 of 33 (823 Views)

Re: [SE] Extreme Sports Aspiration won't complete if skills already maxed out

★★★★★ Pro

I too have experienced this, however I found if your sim increased any other skill the game would then somehow realize that your sim was already higher than level 8 of the any of the required skills. I show this in my Snowy Escape LP.  My sim had maxed 2 of the 3 skills, but he was close to leveling up another skill (singing) so I had him level that up and it completed that part of the aspiration (though in my case if it hadn't, I would have had him level up the 3rd skill that was only level 7).  I had noticed that with my other sims, but I caught it at this point https://youtu.be/CVqgmluWxVk?t=713 (links to the point in the video where the issue is shown, as well as the work around Standard smile )


So that is one work around you can try while waiting on a fix.


Best regards,


Message 16 of 33 (798 Views)

Re: [SE] Extreme Sports Aspiration won't complete if skills already maxed out

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Nice catch, Jennifer!

It makes sense that whenever a skill level goes up the game does an all around dependencies check.

It wouldn't help my sim who has all skills maxed out, though. (Yes I know, I play in a very weird way)


So I tried this with another sim in that save, that has the same Extreme Sports problem but without all skills maxed.

First I let her level up the knitting skill when another aspiration is active. Only then I switched back to Extreme Sports aspiration - which remained unfinished. No real surprise there, but doesn't hurt to check.

Then I tried to up her comedy skill with Extreme Sports active.


It worked of-course! - aspiration complete.

Unfortunately, my supremely skilled sim will have to wait for the fix. (Unless I decide to get Paranormal stuff and use the medium skill to complete the aspiration)


But for now, this is probably a useful workaround for many other simmers.

Thanks, @MapleSimmer


@crinrict, I am guessing there's a good chance this workaround can be used for other aspirations with this bug?

Message 17 of 33 (765 Views)

Re: [SE] Extreme Sports Aspiration won't complete if skills already maxed out

@MetaSuperficial Probably. Not really sure which one still have this though. It's one of these ongoing issues

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 18 of 33 (748 Views)

Re: [SE] Extreme Sports Aspiration won't complete if skills already maxed out

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

I think I'll do an all around test - give a new sim all full skills with cheats and go through all (or at least some) aspirations.


It's possible this bug is all encompassing.


I'll report my findings.

Currently testing other aspirations that have skill levels as tasks. So far nothing. It's relatively quick for the first two levels of aspirations, but of-course will take much longer for levels 3 and 4.

This could be crucial because as far as I remember, this bug didn't affect level 2 of Extreme Sports where level 3 of rock climbing was required. I might have to go back and check this.

Testing complete. The bug only exists on the final level of Extreme Sports aspiration. Added this to the bug report.


@MapleSimmer's workaround was marked as solution. I removed this, as the bug still exists and needs to be fixed.

@crinrict, is there a way to somehow mark the workaround for other simmers to find, but not have the bug overlooked?

If not, I will edit my original bug report post to include the workaround.


I edited the original post to include the workaround instead.

Message 19 of 33 (734 Views)

Re: [SE] Extreme Sports Aspiration won't complete if skills already maxed out

★★★★★ Apprentice

As suspected, I just found a career level task that doesn't register.

I had my sim re-enter the criminal career to complete the Public Enemy Aspiration. She was already at level 9, when she advanced to the 3rd milestone.

"Reach Level 4 of Criminal Career" didn't check. I tried with a sim in my test game to confirm.


I think we should rename this bug report and have the thread inclusive of all Aspirations that fail to register existing skill and career levels.

I am going through the list of aspirations to see how many career level tasks exist.


If there aren't too many, I might comb through all of them to see if there are more that don't register.

Message 20 of 33 (684 Views)