Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

by Shaun51422

Original Post

Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Novice

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Pixel 2 XL
OS Version n/a
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 313-111-641
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Summarize your bug There is a bug in Vader's merciless that I see more and more. Happens against Padme leads and against Revan. The bug is simple - Merciless breaks off without completing. Usually it happens after Vader defeats an opponent and 1) JKA takes a bonus turn or 2) a character is defeated under Revan and is revived and takes an immediate turn. The characters that Vader did not go against keep the Merciless symbol, but he does not get to finish. Just happened without a character being defeated. I still had one to go.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country United States

I think it is self explanatory, but I will provide more info if you need it and I can.

Message 1 of 14 (694 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

@Shaun51422 Hi, thanks for the report!

After the character(s) take their bonus turns, does it go back to Vader, and you can resume his Merciless Massacre? If so, this would be working as intended. Other characters obtaining bonus turns CAN break into Vader’s streak, but his bonus turn would stay in queue, unless he gets stunned (such as by a counterattack).
I am a volunteer on this forum, and not an employee of EA or CG. Please let me know how I can help you!
Message 2 of 14 (677 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Novice
@GladOS-013 No, he does not get to resume Merciless and is not stunned.
Message 3 of 14 (643 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

EA Live QV Team

Hi @Shaun51422 and thank you for the report.


We've tested this today and it worked exactly like @GladOS-013 explained. After JKA takes his bonus turn (when and ally of him is being defeated), then Padmé takes her bonus turn (from Jedi Knight Anakin's unique ability "Righteous Fury") and then "Merciless Massacre" resumed with Vader, as intended. If you could provide us with a video (for example) we can take another look at it.



Message 4 of 14 (595 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Novice

Most of the time it works as it should for me too.  I would help more if I could, but I play on my phone and making a video isn't really practical for me, sorry.  

Message 5 of 14 (559 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Novice

I posted this on the regular forum and others replied that they had seen it too.  It isn't every time, but it does happen.

Message 6 of 14 (479 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Guide
@Shaun51422 Do you have all three zetas? My assumption is you don't have No Escape zeta so Vader is susceptible to Turn Meter Reduction.
Message 7 of 14 (450 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Novice

Yes, I do have all 3.  Besides, TM reduction shouldn't be able to stop him in the middle of a turn, right?


A desperate issue that I have never seen, but I fought a match just this morning and on the bonus turn following merciless I killed another character with culling blade and didn't get the bonus turn following that.  That was against a DR team.  Definitely bugs in Vader.

Message 8 of 14 (420 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

@Shaun51422 Did you kill Malak with the Culling blade?
I am a volunteer on this forum, and not an employee of EA or CG. Please let me know how I can help you!
Message 9 of 14 (406 Views)

Re: Vader Merciless bug - not completing

★★★★ Novice

Yes.  No bonus after him?

Message 10 of 14 (401 Views)