Hi, y'all. So my game has a habit of freezing on me whenever I open. I'm able to view the pop-ups just fine, but when I see passive Sims they're nonexistent unless I view an upper floor. If at all, the passive Sims look like polygonal black skeletons or those placeholder Sims with blue hair and a sheer top. Then it just blacks out on me and redirects me to the home screen. Anyone who can help? I feel like it's an individual issue.
Unfortunately, we can't solve your problem through the forums.
Please contact support. Follow the instructions in this post: [Guide] Finding your Player ID / How to send a Help Ticket In-Game.
If you can't access the game, contact support through this link:
Tried doing so and the advisors just said to just voice out my predicament here.
@ozzyoioi If basic troubleshooting does not work and a reinstall does not update the game, support can do a rollback on the save. However, that only goes so far as the game's save can become corrupted. What you will need to do is to reach back out to support and request a rollback of your save to before it starts happening.
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