Speed/Turn Meter Bug with Executor mirrors

by ZhangsterSWGOH

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Accepted Solution

Speed/Turn Meter Bug with Executor mirrors

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPad
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPad mini 2
OS Version 12.5.3
Ally Code: (Find it here: http://bit.ly/AllyCode ) 814177546
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Enemy XB goes before my higher speed RC in fleet arena even before it gets its 25 speed boost from RC's 6-Breach contract payout. No idea what's happening
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1) Have an ally fleet and enemy fleet similar with speeds similar to setup below (187 speed ally RC and 186 speed enemy XB) 2) Go to fleet arena 3) Have enemy Executor take the first turn, then mass assist on enemy RC (apply breach on HT with your own HT) 4) Enemy RC goes first 5) see if enemy XB goes before your RC
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country United States

I have 187 speed Razorcrest and 184 speed Xanadu Blood, my opponent has 188 speed Razorcrest and 186 speed Xanadu blood. Both our Executor is at 192 speed and Hound's Tooth is at 150 speed. Now, I am aware that Hound's Tooth has a 25% turn meter boost whenever another ally gets damaged. Razorcrest has a 25 speed boost when 6 Breaches are applied, giving the contract status effect.

My question is this: How in the world did the enemy Xanadu Blood which is at 186 speed went before my Razor Crest which is at 187 speed? How in the world does the opposing enemy XB get a turn meter boost to trigger contract after Razorcrest called it to assist. This happens 100% of the time, and it's unclear where in the kit it's coming from. There doesn't appear to be any turn meter reduction on my Razorcrest when it gets attacked, so how in the world does Razorcrest go after a ship that has slower speed than it? Also, the contract from Razorcrest for the enemy was only triggered after Xanadu Blood did its attacks, not before, which means it didn't benefit from the 25 speed bonus.

My only speculation is that Xanadu Blood gets some sort of turn meter when Razor Crest calls it to assist. Can you guys please let me know what you guys find in this bug report?

Message 1 of 2 (506 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Speed/Turn Meter Bug with Executor mirrors

★★★★ Guide
@ZhangsterSWGOH What you're missing is something I have missed more than once.

Breach effect is -25% Speed & -25% Defense.

When your RC gets targeted with the mass assist, it can reduce your speed just enough that other ships jump in front.

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Re: Speed/Turn Meter Bug with Executor mirrors

★★★★ Guide
@ZhangsterSWGOH What you're missing is something I have missed more than once.

Breach effect is -25% Speed & -25% Defense.

When your RC gets targeted with the mass assist, it can reduce your speed just enough that other ships jump in front.
Message 2 of 2 (483 Views)