Sims 4 "Get To Work" Not Working So Great Right Now

by Isidorosa

Original Post

Sims 4 "Get To Work" Not Working So Great Right Now

★★ Novice

So I've been trying different careers and I made my Sim a Detective.  It's a super fun career to play but there are a few issues. 


1) When my Sim makes an arrest the suspect never arrives back at the police station with her.  I can "issue APB" all I want but the suspect is just found in new locations each time.

2) When I try to do anything with a Suspect that is in a cell (Search, Take Mugshot, Fingerprint) my Sim will walk over to the cell, then walk away, get distracted, or whatever.  I have to tell her to go get the person 2 or 3 times. 



A general issue I've noticed with all Sims is that if you tell them to go talk to a person or go do an action they will walk with the intended party about 2 blocks (okay maybe less but you get the picture) before interacting.  When you're at your Sims job this can be a huge bummer because you're kind of on a timer.  There have been a lot of cancelled actions randomly as well and collision issues with my adult Sims colliding with the children Sims and they go all slow motion for a second and then once they're passed each other it's fine. 


Just a few little things, like I said, but I wanted to put them out there to make them known.

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Re: Sims 4 "Get To Work" Not Working So Great Right Now

@Isidorosa moved to the bug forum.


Answers HQ Guardian

do not work for EA


Message 2 of 3 (664 Views)

Re: Sims 4 "Get To Work" Not Working So Great Right Now




please add your voice to these threads: or this one: depending on what fits your issue better


Also maybe here: or here: or here:


There's other stuff that might fit your description on the compiled list stickied in this forum



Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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