Payment problem

by xjellyelly

Original Post

Payment problem

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform:Apple iPhone
List the specific devices you play with (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7) iPhone xs
OS Version 13.6
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Payment problem
What do you expect to see? Refund me please.
Connection Type Mobile
Please select your region Asia
Country Singapore

I paid for the points at the first time but I didn't get any points and pressed the payment button again to get the points. And I got the points. But I still paid twice for monthly card. And got only points which is for another 2nd payment. Can you refund the first one? Or you can email me. I can send you the screenshots.
Please check for me. Thank you.

Message 1 of 2 (422 Views)

Re: Payment problem

@xjellyelly Hi, This is The Sims Mobile forum. What game are you having problems with?

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