Pausing a download breaks downloads

by xRanLive

Original Post

Pausing a download breaks downloads

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

Product: EA Desktop
Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post)
Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with? Download Game
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 11/14/21
Summarize your bug So broke my EA desktop app by pausing a download. I was downloading Apex and paused the download. When attempting to restart it it would never start the download again. When I later tried to download another game it added to the queue and would never start it's download. Had to delete the files in the programdata folder in order to get it working
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Pause a download
What happens when the bug occurs? No longer able to complete downloads through the desktop app
What do you expect to see? A fix

So I managed to break the downloads by pausing an Apex download. After pausing it, it wouldn't resume even after force closing the EA desktop app and it's background process. After a few days I attempted to update another game which lead to it being added to the queue and wouldn't download. Even after performing the solution to delete the files within the programdata folder I ran into the issue that the game said it was finished downloading but would not stop being the active download meaning it wouldn't launch and the other downloads wouldn't finish


Update: After 6 or 7 times force closing and deleting the programdata files, I was finally able to get the download moving but incredibly slow. It's a 200mb download and yet it's been over 10 minutes just calculating time. (To give you an idea of why this shouldn't be happening, I have 800Mbps download and it's installing to an m.2 drive)


Update 2: Finally got it downloading at a great 8kb/s. The fact that it's going to take me over an hour to get a 300mb/s patch is going to make me cancel my sub to EA play and just stop with any ea games all together.

Message 1 of 6 (2,586 Views)

Re: Pausing a download breaks downloads

★ Novice

Even after multiple relaunches and deletions of the files in the programdata, I'm unable to finish any download or start any. The current one says its finished but doesn't move. 

Message 2 of 6 (2,583 Views)

Re: Pausing a download breaks downloads


Hi @xRanLive,


Instead of removing the programdata, have you tried clearing the cache via App Recovery in the Help section?


I found that whenever I have a stuck download, clearing the cache and restarting the EA app sorts everything out for me. 

Message 3 of 6 (2,481 Views)

Re: Pausing a download breaks downloads

★★★ Newbie

I was trying to download FIFA 22, I had to pause the download for a moment and now I can't resume it anymore. I tried clearing the cache via APP Recovery but this deleted my download and now I have to download everything from the beginning, so it doesn't solve the problem (My internet is very slow, like 500 kb/s and it took a lot of time to download to 70% and I have to download all again)

Message 4 of 6 (2,241 Views)

Re: Pausing a download breaks downloads

★★★★★ Newbie
@EA_Jason Yup, this worked for me when FIFA 23 was just stuck in the same way. Thank you!
Message 5 of 6 (1,778 Views)

Re: Pausing a download breaks downloads

★★★ Newbie

Same here. 

Clearing the app cache resets the whole download.

NGL EA App is an absolute and utter joke. Coming from Steam I feel seriously insulted by EA.

As always everything EA touches turn into manure...sad, but true.

Message 6 of 6 (233 Views)


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