May 2021 - last edited May 2021 by EA_Neil
Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform:Apple iPhone
List the specific devices you play with (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7) 14.1
OS Version 14.1
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go into gameplay try and find Silas Hennessy he’s still in Keegan or Eloise Hennessy’s contacts. All my six sims father is gone from the eco household and hes gone from all his contacts except keegan also Sadie Hennessy same issue and she’s no longer related. It gives the option to introduce the relationships they had are gone. Then the brother was randomly moved in AFTER I removed him ages ago I was hoping HE would disappear from my town. I don’t want Dominik Steel he just magically appeared Now it also says no relation theyre FAMILY MEMBERS Player ID: (removed)
What do you expect to see? I want my sims dad back
Connection Type
Please select your region Other
Country United States
Go into gameplay try and find Silas Hennessy he’s still in Keegan or Eloise Hennessy’s contacts. All my six sims father is gone from the eco household and hes gone from all his contacts except keegan also Sadie Hennessy same issue and she’s no longer related. It gives the option to introduce the relationships they had are gone. Then the brother was randomly moved in AFTER I removed him ages ago I was hoping HE would disappear from my town. I don’t want Dominik Steel he just magically appeared Now it also says no relation theyre FAMILY MEMBERS
hes just gone
CM Edit: Please do not post your player ID publicly.
May 2021
It's totally NOT fixed. 2 passive sims have disappeared from the family portrait and their house, along with all of their level 10 stories. They're roaming randomly around town but now just show as strangers. I've put so much work into these sims. Please bring them back.
May 2021
This just happened to me, as well. A few days ago, one of my sims turned into an elder NPC and all of her relationships with other sims disappeared. At the same time, another sim became perpetually busy. I can't make her active or have other sims continue relationships with her. EA support is giving me the runaround. I spend way too much time, energy and real money on this game. I definitely need to reevaluate that. Clearly I'm not valued as a player or a paying customer.
May 2021
When did your Sims disappear? Do you remember the date?
May 2021
Hi @eviefinesse! I am sorry to hear that you have encountered this issue, the team is aware of this bug. However, could I get your player id on a DM to add to the current report? Thanks!
May 2021 - last edited May 2021 by EA_Neil
Yes! Thank you so much. I’m still bummed. My player ID is: (removed)
Edited by EA_Neil. Please do not post your player ID or personal information in public.
May 2021 - last edited May 2021
One of my passive sims disappeared from the family portrait and home on May 11. Until now, I haven't seen her at any of the districts and at any of my lots. One of my active sims is also friends with her and their relationship story also disappeared. It's like she never existed. I'm sure I did NOT remove her (accidentally or intentionally) because I only found out she was missing when I viewed the family portrait before going to sleep. She wasn't there anymore the first time I looked. I've also never retired any of my sims and I'm the only one who has access to my game. I also only play on one device (OS is Android 11). Please help. I really want her back. I also noticed that one of my adult, passive sims doesn't have the "Remove" option in the family portrait. That's not normal. All other adult, passive sims have that option. This isn't a big deal to me as I don't plan to remove her but I'm worried that such bug may lead to more problems. Thank you. I can give you more info as necessary.
May 2021
@eviefinesse your player-ID has been removed by a CM. We should not post player-ID on an open forum or any other public space. You can read more about this here: Update: Player IDs and bug report templates
What @EA_DragonsEye has asked you is to send her a DM. To find the Inbox and send a DM, if you are using a mobile device, tap on the Menu on the upper right corner of this screen, then tap on your user name. You will find the Inbox there.
May 2021
One of my newly adopted sims just disappeared from the family portrait and was wandering in market square. The level 10 relationship she had with another of my sims completely vanished too. I worked hard to level this sim and adopt her and now I have to start all over again. I’m addition, EVERY time I take a sim passive all their relationship stories with other players sims vanish. The contacts are all wiped clean except for household and old retired townies. I hate taking sims passive because of this anf cant retire anyone anymore because I am too afraid to make my current sims passive to bring back into play one I want to retire. The passive feature is totally useless to me the way it is.