Re: [Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

by ErinPW

Original Post

[Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform:Apple iPhone
List the specific devices you play with (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7) iPhone SE
OS Version 13.5.1
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? This only happens when certain friends have parties. I’ve noticed other people are able to attend and have no problems because when I click on Chat, I am able to see a lot of action. However when I click on the friend’s party to Attend, the app crashes completely. When I attempt to go back into Sims Mobile, and click on Return to Party, the app crashes completely again. This happens every time to certain players’ parties. My side pane shows that I’ve attended the party but I have made no personal progress in it (hence no rewards).Please take into account this already took one of the parties I am able to attend out of the two we can daily.
What do you expect to see? I want to be able to go in and pursue party actions so that I can get the party rewards. It’s frustrating to be stuck attending a party I can’t get rewards for.
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country USA
Additional feedback This only happens when certain friends have parties. I’ve noticed other people are able to attend and have no problems because when I click on Chat, I am able to see a lot of action. However when I click on the friend’s party to Attend, the app crashes completely. When I attempt to go back into Sims Mobile, and click on Return to Party, the app crashes completely again. This happens every time to certain players’ parties. My side pane shows that I’ve attended the party but I have made no personal progress in it (hence no rewards).Please take into account this already took one of the parties I am able to attend out of the two we can daily.

This only happens when certain friends have parties. They tend to be parties that don’t have any hobby/career objects shown on the party side panel. I’ve noticed other people are able to attend and have no problems because when I click on Chat, I am able to see a lot of action. However when I click on the friend’s party to Attend, the app crashes completely. When I attempt to go back into Sims Mobile, and click on Return to Party, the app crashes completely again. This happens every time to certain players’ parties. My side pane shows that I’ve attended the party but I have made no personal progress in it (hence no rewards).Please take into account this already took one of the parties I am able to attend out of the two we can daily.

Message 1 of 5 (971 Views)

Re: [Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

[ Edited ]

@pteddi1989 Do you know if the party crashed? If it did, could you ask the host if they got an error message? 

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Message 2 of 5 (907 Views)

Re: [Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

★★★ Novice
@SalixCat No the party didn’t crash. I can tell because the party keeps leveling up and I am able to see the chatroom and other people seem to have no problem. When the party ends I get a notification saying I earned no rewards since I wasn’t able to get any stars.
Message 3 of 5 (896 Views)

Re: [Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

★★★ Guide
@SalixCat I noticed that for some parties the host's side of the party doesn't crash, but the party crashes for me.
The last time it happened: the host had Android device, while I have iPhone.
Message 4 of 5 (832 Views)

Re: [Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

★★★★★ Novice
@SalixCat My game (on iOS) also crashed when I wanted to attend parties. The first one after updating on monday was running well. (Hoster is playing on Android.) For the next party yesterday the game crashed several times while the party was still running for the hoster (iOS) and their guests. After many attempts my sim could do enough tasks for the rewards. Today the game crashed again when I wanted to attend a party (hoster iOS). After many attempts to return to the party I gave up. The party is still running.
Message 5 of 5 (763 Views)