[OPEN] Wants: Same Sex Couple Wants To Try For Baby

by babsi17_8

Original Post

Re: Wants: Same Sex Couple Wants To Try For Baby

★★ Guide
@LacieRose Yup! This was a thing with whims as well, but at least there you could x them out. That they made wants unskippable without even fixing something as basic as this--there was already a report for the whim version of this issue ages ago--just shows how little care was really put into the new wants a fears, unfortunately.
Message 11 of 13 (293 Views)

Re: Wants: Same Sex Couple Wants To Try For Baby

★★★★ Guide

I'm having this exact same issue with my same sex couple. The option doesn't even populate in the socials wheel, yet it still pops up as a want. They really need to create a better filter for the wants a sim can roll. At least now I know it's not only me having this issue 🙃 

Message 12 of 13 (266 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Wants: Same Sex Couple Wants To Try For Baby

★★★★★ Pro

I have this issue too, with a couple consisting of a male sim and a male servo...

Message 13 of 13 (229 Views)