August 2020 - last edited September 2022 by crinrict
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except Vampires and Spooky Stuff
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play a sim without the knitting skill for a few days then have them start knitting.
What happens when the bug occurs? Within a sim day or two the bed that used to satisfy the energy need in the usual amount of time now takes at least twice as long. You may notice that the bar sometimes jumps backwards, needing even longer to fill.
What do you expect to see? Energy need filling at the same rate it did prior to learning the knitting skill
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
I’ve used three different sims now and they all gain energy perfectly until they start knitting. I really want to love this pack, but it’s hard when your sim needs most of the sim day to sleep and can barely make it through a work day.
Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title
August 2020
August 2020 - last edited August 2020
I've seen this on PS4. I had a sim knit a "Forbidden Sweater" and after she finished her energy was severely depleted. Her energy gain was stuck at 1 arrow during sleep and her hunger and bathroom started going down quickly, as if she was a toddler instead of an Elder Sim.
After shutting down my console for the night, the next day she was back to normal after loading the game again.
Edit: I had this happen without knitting the forbidden sweater, so that may have just been a coincidence.
August 2020
I've tried logging on and off again, changing characters, moving house.
All to no avail. My sim can't work because sleeping takes 14hrs showering takes 4hours. Seriously urgent issue!!
August 2020 - last edited August 2020 by EA_Arrenai
I thought my sim was taking forever to get a full night's sleep because she was pregnant, but it didn't go back to normal after the baby was born. Then I find this thread, and... yup, my sim started knitting furiously when she found out she was pregnant. She's got a fully upgraded bed, normally she could go from falling down tired to fully rested in 4 hours. Now she simply can't fill her Energy, she has to pee or eat before that can happen.
Okay, well this isn't exactly a fix since it means not using the main feature of the pack, but I figured out how to make my sim playable: Cheat Knitting skill back to 0, get rid of the knitting bag, and change aspirations, if you didn't finish that already. And then save and exit, and reload. After doing that, my sim now sleeps normally again.
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August 2020
Me too! It started with my little girl (she kept having to take a vacation day from school) . Then it moved on to the mom, and now the dad is starting to be affected. Nobody has tried knitting the forbidden sweater yet (I haven't unlocked it.) The only Sim not affected is the toddler, but she relies on her parents to take care of her, and now they can't!
I have never used Mods / CC in TS4. I have all the packs and play on a PC.
August 2020
@PugLove888 Yes, this doesn't seem to be related to the Forbidden Sweater, since my sim never made one either. It appears to be caused by Knitting skill itself- my sim regained Energy slower and slower over the course of a few days, which coincides with her skilling up in Knitting. And then once I cheated her Knitting back to nothing, she's fine again.
August 2020
My sims too. I even tried resetting her. I also tried using the reward for full energy and it didn't fill at all. She can't get more than 3/4 full. On top of this the daughter also has the constant issue of baking cakes no matter what she is doing including eating. It all ends up with one very unhappy and grumpy sim.
August 2020
August 2020
I started playing the knitting sim again last night. I didn’t let her knit for a couple of days and her sleep was normal. So I let her knit and the first two nights were fine, but now she’s back to taking forever to fill her energy bar. I’ve got to the point where I wake her 2 hours before work and cheat it to full.