[OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning appliances (Neat Trait)

by nickinbigd

Original Post

Re: Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★★ Apprentice

Same issue here - Maid has neat trait. Thought it was the latest mod I added (littlemssam live in services). Glad to know it's not a mod issue. Will be removing the trait until it's fixed. (PC)

Message 21 of 50 (1,792 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★★★★ Newbie

I have been having the same issue, Sims 4 PC by the way. Though my maid would go back and forth between the house cleaning and back to the grill multiple times. Returning to the grill 4 or 5 times, making him/her be on the lot for hours(Sim hours lol).  Became annoying so I ditched the grill. Now comes and cleans normally and leaves. Will check if there is the neat trait as you did and see if that fixes that issue. Thanks for the info

Message 22 of 50 (1,773 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★★★★ Guide
@nickinbigd As of patch: 1.43 on console this is still an issue. I started playing with the paranormal stuff for the very first time and I finally got to summon Bonehilda! She arrived, flirted, complained about the dust, went downstairs and to the bathroom sink (which was clean) and cleaned it for a while before running outside all the way over to the community grill in the neighborhood and proceeded to scrub it again and again and again....
Message 23 of 50 (1,712 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★ Guide

Same issue here, on pc. The maid keeps cleaning the grill for hours, even when it is clean (i have not even used it yet). It happens in a game without mods or cc, new save. It happens with different lots, different households. 2 different maids, but both have the "neat" trait. 

It cannot be so difficult to fix this, how is this bug still a thing after so many months? Does anybody know about a mod that fixes it, seeing that EA does not seem to think it is important enough to fix it?

Message 24 of 50 (1,648 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★★★ Expert

Most of the "upgraded" traits they "improved" are severely broken now.


Anyone with the "Neat" trait will do nothing but clean ALL THE TIME. 24 hours a day.


Anyone with the "Perfectionist" trait will not finish crafting anything. They always scrap it and do another.


Anyone with the "Genius" trait has SEVERELY OP skill gains. Cooking ONE meal will increase cooking skill from level 1 to level 10 instantly.


It's best to avoid ALL the "improved" traits.

Message 25 of 50 (1,634 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

@Psychotps I don't think that's related to this bug though. As kurusuru pointed out on the first page, for some reason the grill cleaning interaction got changed to have a strange autonomy test that shouldn't be there (and wasn't there in previous patches), that makes any sim that the game is controlling as a NPC able to autonomously clean the grill even when it isn't dirty.

Neat sims just happen to catch on to this and get stuck in a loop, because cleaning is fun for them. That's why other sims being controlled as NPCs don't tend to get stuck in a loop, it's no fun for them so they just get attracted by something else.

It's like someone changed this interaction, maybe testing something for an upcoming feature or a different bug fix, and left something in there that wasn't there before and shouldn't be there.
Message 26 of 50 (1,629 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★★★ Expert
@simvasion I haven't seen it be any different from any other. Neat sims tend to circle around the house cleaning constantly. Counter, Grill, tub, sink, grill, counter, sink, tub, counter, grill... etc... Endlessly all day long. Haven't seen any get stuck cleaning one thing more than any other.

Whether they get stuck on one thing or not... I still stick to my original recommendation. Don't use it.
Message 27 of 50 (1,621 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★ Guide

Yes I have seen NPC without the neat trait cleaning the grill even when it is not dirty, but like @simvasion says they do not get stuck in a loop. They clean it one or two times and then they do something else. So yes, there is something weird going on with grills, and it is with every grill in the game (I have tried all of them, I even downloaded a couple cc grills to see if it worked different, but no difference). 

Message 28 of 50 (1,599 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★★★★★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Base game only
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Buy grill, hire maid
What happens when the bug occurs? Maid opens, cleans, closes grill. Repeats. Over and over until dismissed or fired. Even if grill is brand new and unused.
What do you expect to see? Maid cleans grill only if dirty and only one time, then moves to next task.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? MCCC. Disabled MCCC, error still occurs.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? I had not played a house with a grill for some time, so I don't know when this started. Only noticed today (17 Aug 2021).

SOLUTION: Based on what I read in this thread, I changed the maid's "Neat" trait to something else ("Vegetarian", though I'm not sure that matters). As soon as I changed it, she went home. Problem did not recur on subsequent days.

Message 29 of 50 (1,574 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill (Neat Trait)

★ Novice

Having the same issue with PC version.

Message 30 of 50 (1,516 Views)