[OPEN] Maid caught in a loop cleaning appliances (Neat Trait)

by nickinbigd

Original Post

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

@nickinbigd OK. thanks for all the testing

Good Luck


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Message 11 of 50 (2,313 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★★ Guide

I’m beginning to wonder if it’s the maid that’s glitchy. Now on a lot where I’ve removed the grill to avoid that stuck loop, he comes snd goes snd ignores dirty dishes sitting plainly on tables and counters. Strange. 

Message 12 of 50 (2,288 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★ Pro

Bug affects NPCs which happen to have the Neat trait. NPCs without this trait only clean grills if dirty.

Message 13 of 50 (2,280 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★★ Guide

I have had the same maid for months, and I checked, he does not have the neat trait and only started doing it within the last two weeks or so. 

Went on vacation to Granite Falls tonight and rented the big lodge. He showed up as my maid there too and did the same thing for hours.  I had just arrived. There was nothing to clean. When I finally got tired of him banging the grill lid open and shut I dismissed him and he charged me $160! 

I have been playing a lot over the past year and definitely this is new (for me anyway). 

Message 14 of 50 (2,257 Views)

Re: Maid caught in a loop cleaning grill even on new grill

[ Edited ]

I decided to click "me too" here after last night when my sim summoned Bonehilda and she started cleaning the grill over and over again.  I thought I might test to see if it happens again.  If so, I'll try to share the video.


Edit: I was only able to play this video with Windows Media Player.



Second edit: I continued monitoring this and Bonehilda cleaned that grill for about 5 sim hours before she finally left the lot.


Third edit: I thought I should mention I'm playing on PC.  Also, I checked the sim profile and Bonehilda has the neat trait if that helps.  Maybe that's already known?


Fourth edit: I checked the regular maid's traits since she doesn't get stuck in the clean grill loop.  She does not have the neat trait.

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Message 15 of 50 (2,228 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★★★ Novice

I have exact same problem as described with base game on pc.  

Message 16 of 50 (2,202 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★★ Guide

Well, I am glad at least to see that I’m not completely alone on noticing this! 

Message 17 of 50 (2,196 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★★ Guide

So... I checked this maid’s traits and indeed he did have the neat trait which now removed thru CAS seems to have fixed the problem for at least the two households I have observed so far. I don’t know if my maid had a previous twin, but I would swear he previously did not have the neat trait. Anyway, I’m suggesting that anyone else who is experiencing this issue double-check your maid’s traits and remove “neat” if it’s there. 

Message 18 of 50 (9,839 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★★★ Novice

This will go on for hours until I dismiss the maid.  The grill wasn't dirty and wasn't used.  Happens every visit. 

Message 19 of 50 (2,102 Views)

Re: Maid / Grill Glitch

★ Apprentice

I've had the same exact issue. I have not looked into the maid's traits yet but I took away the grill so the maid would clean the rest of the house. 

Message 20 of 50 (2,070 Views)