[FIXED] [GTW] Doctor Career: Surgery Animation broken/T_Posing

by FrozenWillow1980

Original Post

Re: Patient goes through the wall when Doctor sim tries to operate - BUG

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

Not sure if this helps or hinders, but... Crin? I have an LE report from MCCC for the doctor's end of the t-posing/mother sim going thru wall/ending up in mid air issue.


  • Last Module Called: __init__.py
  • Last Function Called: get_joint_transform_from_rig
  • Error message: ANIMATION: A clip is trying to fire a parent event with bad data. Either the animation actors are mistuned, or a slot that doesn't exist on the rig has been specified in Maya. ASMs: Clip: a2a_surgeryTable_grabber_give Birth_surgery TableAnimated (Parent Event ID: 2), Parenting [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427 to , Slot 0xad8b539a on '00000000!d057fcc5'34c1bcbb.8eaf13de', Offset: Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)) (Key Error: 'get_joint_transform_from_rig: Joint name [(null)] was not found in the specified rig [d057fcc534c1bcbb.8eaf13de]. JointNameHash [0xad8b539a]().'), CategoryID: __init__:247
Pretty Error CallStack (Click to expand/collapse)
Mod Path Module Function Line Error Class
  arb_element.py _event_handler_parent 572 ArbElement()
  client_object_mixin.py set_parent 1571 [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427
  client_object_mixin.py create_parent_location 1523 [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427
  __init__.py get_joint_transform_from_rig 247  
  __init__.py get_joint_transform_from_rig 247  





  Full Error Call Stack (Click to expand/collapse)
  • File 'T:\InGame\ Gameplay\ Scripts\Server\areaserver .py', line 209, in c_ api _server_tick [ absolute_ticks : 279606887321, clock_service : server_clock, previous_ticks : 279606887288, zone : <Zone ID: 0xda809a7fea5229d>, persistence_service : persistence_service]
  • File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py', line 484, in update [ self : <Zone ID: 0xda809a7fea5229d>, absolute_ticks : 279606887321, game_clock : game_clock, time_service : time_service, season_service : season_service, weather_service : weather_service, narrative_service : narrative_service, roommate_service : roommate_service]
  • File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay \Scripts\Server\time_service.py', line 112, in update [ self : time_service, time_slice : True, max_time_ms : 33]
  • File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay \Scripts\Server\scheduling.py', line 212, in simulate [ self : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, until : 12:13:00.640 day:1 week:5, max_elements : 10000, max_time_ms : 33, count : 52, start_time : 1313977.5450000002, end_time : 1313977.5780000002, handle : [None, None, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, False, <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>], when : 12:12:59.320 day:1 week:5, _ : 52378, _t : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, _s : True, e : <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>, calling : True, result : [None, None, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, False, <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>]]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py', line 376, in _run [ self : <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, pending_generator : <function flush_all_animations at 0x000007FFDEDC05F0>]
  • File 'T:\InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\animation_utils.py', line 434, in flush_all_animations [ timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, arb_accumulator : arb_accumulator_service]
  • File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_accumulator.py', line 499, in flush [ self : arb_accumulator_service, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, arb _sequence : [<animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>], actors : {<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, <sim '' 0xe2009be5b3504e8>}, sequence_len : 1, buffer_arb_element : ArbElement(tags=[]), sim_actors : [<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, <sim '' 0xe2009be5b3504e8>], arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, append_fn : <bound method Arb AccumulatorService._append_ arb_to_element of <animation.arb_accumulator.ArbAccumulatorService object at 0x000007FF97819690>>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_accumulator.py', line 399, in _append_arb_to_element [ self : arb_accumulator_service, buffer_arb_element : ArbElement(tags=[]), arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, actors : {<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, <sim '' 0xe2009be5b3504e8>}, safe_mode : True, attach : True]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_element.py', line 245, in execute_and_merge_arb [ self : ArbElement(tags=[]), arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, safe_mode : True, arb_element : ArbElement()]
  • File 'T:\InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_element.py', line 272, in handle_events [ self : ArbElement(), sleep : True, event_context : <sims4.callback_ utils.consume_exceptions object at 0x000007FFF3D92610>]
  • File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay\ Scripts\Core\native\animation\arb.py', line 385, in handle_events [ self : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, events : '((4, 101, {'event_time': 0.9000000357627869, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_x', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 1017824228964369640}), (4, 901, {'event_time': 4.735890865325928, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_y', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418}), (6, 5, {'event_time': 0.0, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_ surgery TableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'target_actor_id': 592238242979263527, 'visibility_state': False}), (17, 3, {'event_time': 0.0, 'clip_name': 'a2a_ surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_ surgeryTableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'target_actor_id': 592238242979197987, 'geometry_state_name': 'babyOff'}), (1, 2, {'event_time': 0.03333333507180214, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_surgery Table Animated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'requ...', event_context : <sims4.callback_utils.consume_exceptions object at 0x000007FFF3D92610>, event_records : '[_Event Handler Record(clip_name='a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_y', event_type=4, event_id=901, callbacks=['<function _create_balloon_request_callback.<locals>.balloon _handler_callback at 0x000007FFE7509950>'], event_data={'event_time': 4.735890865325928, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_y', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418}, tag=1449, errors=[]), _EventHandler Record(clip_name='a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_surgery TableAnimated', event_type=6, event_id=5, callbacks=['<bound method Arb Element._event_handler_visibility of Arb Element()>'], event_data={'event_time': 0.0, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_ surgeryTableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'target_actor_id': 592238242979263527, 'visibility_state': False}, tag=1450, errors=[]), _EventHandlerRecord(clip_name='a2a_surgeryTable_grabber_giveBirth_surgeryTableAnimated', event_type=17, event_id=3, callbacks=["<bo...', actors : (984047135716149418, 1017824228964369640), handlers_to_delete : [<native.animation.arb._ArbEvent Handler object at 0x000007FFBA675D88>, <native.animation.arb._ArbEventHandler object at 0x000007FF8F793518>, <native.animation.arb._ArbEven tHandler object at 0x000007FF8E74BC20>], event_data : {'event_time': 0.03333333507180214, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgeryTable_grabber_giveBirth_surgery TableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'parent_child_id': 592238242979263527, 'parent_parent_id': 984047135716149418, 'parent_joint_name_hash': 2911589274, 'parent_translation': Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), 'parent_orientation': Quaternion (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)}, applicable_handlers : [<native.animation.arb._ArbEvent Handler object at 0x000007FF8F793950>], tag : 1452, clip_name : a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_surgeryTable Animated, callback_strings : ['<bound method ArbElement._event_handler_parent of ArbElement()>'], data : <native.animation.arb. ArbEventData object at 0x000007FF6090F370>, handler : <native.animation.arb._ArbEventHandler object at 0x000007FF8F793950>, result : Exception raised., event_id : 2, event_type : 1]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_element.py', line 572, in _event_handler_parent [ self : ArbElement(), event_data : <native.animation.arb.ArbEventData object at 0x000007FF6090F370>, child_object : [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427, parent_id : 984047135716149418, parent_object : , joint_name_hash : 2911589274, translation : Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), orientation : Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000), transform : Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)), joint_name_or_hash : 2911589274]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\client_object_mixin.py', line 1571, in set_parent [ self : [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427, args : (<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000))), kwargs : {'joint_name_or_hash': 2911589274, 'slot_hash': 0}]
  • File 'T:\InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\client_object_ mixin.py', line 1523, in create_parent_location [ self : [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427, parent : , transform : Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)), joint_name_or_hash : 2911589274]
  • File 'T:\ InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Core\native\animation\__ init__.py', line 247, in get_joint_transform_from_rig [ rig_key : '00000000!d057fcc5'34c1bcbb.8eaf13de', joint_name : 2911589274, _animation : <module '_animation' (built-in)>]
  • File 'T:\ InGame\ Gameplay \Scripts\Core\native\animation\__ init__.py', line 247, in get_joint_transform_from_rig [ rig_key : '00000000!d057fcc5'34c1bcbb.8eaf13de', joint_name : 2911589274, _animation : <module '_animation' (built-in)>]
Message 21 of 162 (3,563 Views)

Re: Patient goes through the wall when Doctor sim tries to operate - BUG

★ Guide

It happend to me as well and I got the same LE.

Message 22 of 162 (3,616 Views)

Re: Patient goes through the wall when Doctor sim tries to operate - BUG

★★★★★ Apprentice

Yes, same here. I got these error messages with animation errors, maybe it helps.



Exception while generating potential interactions for object_sitDining_EP01RWdoctor_01:0x05ff09c6a7321ba1: (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inventory_component')
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\picker_interaction.py", line 2191, in _get_objects_internal_gen
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inventory_component'rtim=0
ClientInfo isn't here


Message 23 of 162 (3,583 Views)

Surgery Animation Glitch

★★ Novice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except batuu, moschino, paranormal, and throwback kit
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Become a doctor and do surgery on a patient or deliver a baby. Or be a mother and go to the hospital to deliver a baby
What happens when the bug occurs? The animation for surgery/deliver a baby does not play properly.
What do you expect to see? The original animation. For the patient not to flip outside the operating table and the doctor's hands to stay on the operating machine/in animation sequence. See the linked video for the issue
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 


Message 24 of 162 (3,578 Views)

Re: Surgery Animation Glitch


@awesomesim102 Hi! I experienced this almost exactly during a baby delivery earlier today.  There's definitely something wrong here.

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Happy Simming!

Message 25 of 162 (3,544 Views)

Surgery Table Animations - Screenshots included.

★★★★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? I have all packs and kits released to date.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a doctor in the doctor career try to perform surgery.
What happens when the bug occurs? The animations when try to perform surgery are glitchy and it throws last exception errors.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see my sim doctor perform surgeries normally without any weird animations and I don't expect to get last exception errors.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

My sim is a level 8 doctor. I put him in a fresh save to test this, no mods, no cc, no custom hospital. The animations are strange and I keep getting errors. I am able to complete the surgery eventually.

Message 26 of 162 (3,514 Views)

Re: Patient goes through the wall when Doctor sim tries to operate - BUG

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

@crinrictidk if you've noticed but sometimes you come across generally as a bit rude, tone doesn't translate easily via text so i think you should change some words around a bit to help with that. ive noticed this in many threads you post on


anyway i have this bug too and its annoying! hate all these stupid bugs.

Message 27 of 162 (3,464 Views)

Re: Patient goes through the wall when Doctor sim tries to operate - BUG

★★★★ Apprentice

Same here. I'm playing with a doctor and he can do surgeries, although there is the animation error. But I can't deliver a baby, I talk to the pregnant Sim and then nothing happens. 

Message 28 of 162 (3,451 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [GTW] Doctor Career: Surgery Animation broken/T_Posing

★★★ Novice

I’m having this same issue and it came after the ponds update, right before Cottage Living was released. I’m on Xbox and we can’t have custom content. It’s the silliest thing. 

Message 29 of 162 (3,405 Views)

[OPEN] [GTW] Doctor Career: Surgery Animation broken/T_Posing

★★★ Newbie

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? 한국어
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Expansion pack: get to walk / cat & dogs / city living / 4seasons Game packs: dine out / Outdoor retreat / parenthood Stuff packs: cool kitchen stuff / laundry day stuff / romantic garden stuff
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Doctor job. If you put it on the operating table on a patient, problems arise.
What happens when the bug occurs? The action is not proceeding. I will attach a picture.
What do you expect to see? pealse fix.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Every time I work in a hospital, I have a problem. It's a game pack that I used to enjoy, but it's too bad.

Message 30 of 162 (3,378 Views)