Re: Graduation Hat Stuck

by MaysarRAWR

Original Post

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [DU] Graduation Hat Stuck

Would you be willing to share your save with me ?

If so, please zip your saves folder and upload it somewhere like dropbox,, googledrive or OneDrive and PM me the link.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 11 of 38 (7,513 Views)

Re: Graduation Hat Stuck

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

Same thing here. He appeared outside, and the action bubble for "Attend Graduation" kept appearing but immediately disappearing before he could do it. He wouldn't actually go into the building, and then a bunch of other graduates spawned outside and they talked and took pictures but never threw their hats or anything. 


Also at Foxbury!

Message 12 of 38 (7,484 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [DU] Graduation Hat Stuck

★★★ Guide

I had a similar problem when I was playing siblings that went to different universities. I attended the ceremony with one, loaded in, she had the hat on, but then the ceremony at the other university started so the game loaded in there instead. The result was that the sim that I did not see come out and throw the hat off was stuck with the hat, as described. I was trying to get both of them the graduation picture, since you get it only if you attend the ceremony, but clearly can't attend it in both, so in the end I loaded an earlier save and chose which one gets to have the picture.


So clearly if the player chooses to attend the graduation ceremony, but for whatever reason won't witness the sim coming out and throwing the hat off, the hat will be stuck. 

Message 13 of 38 (7,471 Views)

My Sim Won't Take Off His Graduation Cap!!!

★ Novice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? Most recent update
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All expansions installed
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? If your sim is in the graduation robes and you cancel the graduation event and send them back home your sim will be unable to remove the graduation cap.
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim is stuck in the graduation cap and it appears on every outfit in game but not in CAS which makes it impossible to remove.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see my sim in his regular outfits without the graduation cap on.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

My sim went to his university (britchester) graduation but instead of going inside to the rabbit hole graduation ceremony he just sat outside for ages talking to other sims so I just sent him home instead, but now he won't take off his graduation cap!!! I tried to changing him into different outfits but the hat is on every outfit, I even tried to edit him in CAS but in CAS its just showing him as normal without the hat so I can't delete the hat since there isn't one (super annoying) and when I exit CAS he's still wearing the hat. I tried debugging him, I tried going back the university but now when I click on the "graduation" building it doesn't give an option to "attend graduation," I tried googling it but only one other person seems to have this problem and so far its still unresolved! This is the third generation of my sim family and this sim is one of my favorite sims but he looks so dumb with the hat on that it makes the game unplayable for me! Please help!!!! Frown(((((((

Message 14 of 38 (7,438 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] [DU] Graduation Hat Stuck

★★★ Newbie

Hey all,


I was having the same problem with a recent grad. She'd finished a Bio degree from Britechester with an A-, but stupidly I switched to a different household before she actually finished the ceremony. I didn't even know about the picture thing, so I'm a little irked with myself about that!

Anyway, I realized that her hat wasn't coming off.


I DID manage to get it off via MCCC:

Click on your be-hatted sim and follow this path: MC Command Center -> MC Cheats -> Cheat Sim Info -> Mood/Buff Control -> Remove Buff

You'll be looking for the buff: buff_University_Graduation_Cap


Once you click that, it should immediately go away. I hope that helps!

Message 15 of 38 (7,342 Views)

Graduation Problem, don't know how to fix

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? ALL
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1) Sim living on campus gets married, moves off campus, starts family but still goes to university full time. 2) Last day of university falls on a Friday, calendar shows graduation at 11:45am following Tuesday (no holidays on this day.) 3) When notification pops up to attend the ceremony, click YES to attend.
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim gets transported to Britechester, gets put into auto gown, other sims/townies in gowns shows up, everyone happy then those townie sims vanish into building but yours does not, you can hear the ceremony is going on but there is no way to start the rabbit-hole event, you just stand there (you can interact with townies and objects so you're not frozen, you just can't start the ceremony.) There is no option when you click the building to enter the ceremony (only to put up or take down banners). Soon those random townies show back up minus their hats and everyone disperses while you're still standing there in full ceremony gown and cap and there is no mention of the ceremony, you don't get the photo or degree... nothing, it's like the game takes you to where the vent begins but it doesn't actually DO anything nor registers you as a graduate once the event takes place without you.
What do you expect to see? I expect my sim vanishes (goes into rabbit-hole event) to graduate then comes out with photo and diploma.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

03-05-20_3-43-48 PM.png

As mentioned in description I get transported to the building (above) when I click yes I want to attend my graduation ceremony, and she is put into a cap and gown automatically, other sims (i'm guessing from her class???) show up also in cap and gown BUT my sim just hangs around, she doesn't vanish into the rabbit-hole event like the rest of her class does, clicking on the building gives me no options to attend the ceremony (only hang banner's, take down banners or attend eSports[greyed]) so she doesn't finish graduating. I've waited around and nothing else happens, her classmates reappear and then just go on their way but nothing happens to her. She doesn't get recognition as having graduated. She never gets her diploma, never gets her graduation photos nothing. I've waited it out for a fortnight even and nothing. 


Since my sim is unable to actually progress through the ceremony she isn't recognized as having graduated so I'm unable to get ahead with the job I was targeting and I have the option to apply for university all over again (via computer) like I didn't just go through the whole process even though my [j] shows this...




So frustrating and confusing and I regret buying this because this is the first time I've sent a sim through university only to have the graduation bug. I don't know what to do to fix this.


I had no mods during this process, I did try installing a mod cheat when I tried different steps to see if it would force the event to start (arriving at university early for one example) to see if it'll fix it for me but nope that mod/cheat didn't work so removed that. I've also done the wholeeeeeeeeeeeee troubleshooting steps you normally request like uninstall/reinstall, remove folders to repopulate new files, go back to an older save etc etc. Nothing fixes this. I've tried moving back onto campus (she is off campus), I've tried attending by myself, with friends and family and nothing helps.


I've read other bug threads and my bug is slightly different because

1) she doesn't freeze

2) she gets the invite to join the graduation (most graduation bugs are about people not even getting notified, I do get notified.)

3) the graduation does take place (you can hear it) inside the building, I'm just standing outside unable to get in there.

4) I have no mods installed 

5) I haven't changed any of the buildings. 


100% confused and unsure what to do now.


EDIT: So obviously a glutton for punishment tried one. last. time. Behold my sim singing to herself while everyone else gets to graduate Frown Frown Frown




OH, also forgot, when I just let the days roll by past the non-graduation day my sim permanently wears her cap.


... poor girl, living in hope/denial she'll graduate.

Message 16 of 38 (7,279 Views)

Re: Graduation Problem, don't know how to fix

@Here4Snacks Merging this with the stuck graduation hat thread as it's essentially the same: Graduation didn't take place properly.

Have you tried to just load a backup and try again ? Did you receive any LastExceptions ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 17 of 38 (7,248 Views)

Re: Graduation Problem, don't know how to fix

★★★★★ Guide

Hey Crin,


Yes tried my backup with the same outcome. I have one more sim in the household (the university townie my sim married) who has started his last term so will see now if the household has the problem or if it was just that one sim. Will report back here what happens when his graduation happens (about to hit a busy work load IRL so might be a week or so before I report back, just FYI.)


As for LastExceptions I didn't get one of those but once she was late to a class (in her final semester) and I got notification that she fell out of range for the responsible trait which I thought was weird since she was a young adult not a child (normally I get those notification on the kids when they're developing their traits/skills, not on the adults.) But as it was only once I was late to class that only happened once... still was weird and was towards the end of her final week.


I have a sinking feeling that since this was the very first sim I went through the university system and I didn't do it "normally", i.e I married her, moved her off campus (moved her to Strangeville), she started a family all while completing her degree that maybe I bugged her somehow. Maybe you need to take the first sim through normally, like living in a dorm till the end, for it not to bug? IDK I always second guess myself when something like this happens.

Message 18 of 38 (7,210 Views)

Re: Graduation Problem, don't know how to fix

@Here4Snacks Since you can duplicate it when trying again, could you send me your backup ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 19 of 38 (7,189 Views)

Re: Graduation Problem, don't know how to fix

★★★ Novice

Is there any update for this? I'm experiencing the same exact thing. My sim is invited to the graduation, she arrives at the ceremony, (she goes to Britechester) and just stands outside. Full cap and gown and everything. The other townies disappear into the rabbit hole graduation, and my sim grabs her bike and bikes away!? The townies come out, throw their hats, and nothing happens. The cap is stuck on her too. I had custom content, removed it, repaired my game, checked my backup saves, and still nothing. My first time playing with University and the graduation. I have all the expansion packs, but don't have the following: Realm of Magic, Strangerville, Vampires, Fitness Stuff, Moschino Stuff, My First Pet Stuff, Spooky Stuff, and Tiny Living. Please let me know if I can help debug this by providing more info, as I'm kind of stuck right now. 5th generation sim. Don't want to lose her!

Message 20 of 38 (6,918 Views)