[OPEN] [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

by thisisarealpainx

Original Post

Re: [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom are always generated the same by the game by design.


Here is what I think is happening in your games: the original Agatha and Agnes lost the special hidden trait they have and with it the role (they lose the trait if they become a played household, but also mods could be causing it) and the game has generated new version of these sims. This may or may not be caused by mods, since the game itself has the potential of having this problem even without mods (all it takes for new ones to spawn is for these sims to lose the hidden trait)

Message 21 of 88 (1,947 Views)

Re: [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

@Trykmi That is one explanation or they have been deleted from the game (either manually or by a mod)

I found only one of each in my save but one is in a hidden household and the other doesn't seem to be in any household at all so it's a bit odd.

Good Luck


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Message 22 of 88 (1,922 Views)

Re: [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

★★★★★ Apprentice
@crinrict I too have only one and I've been playing for 3 or 4 days in the same save. They're also immortal so the random generation of new ones is a backup move because deleting them without having a replacement causes an error. They work pretty much like the mansion ghosts
Message 23 of 88 (1,894 Views)

Re: [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

★ Novice

I have the same bug! Two Agnes were whacking people with handbags up and down Main Street 😂😂

No script mods installed, so it’s not mod related

Message 24 of 88 (1,820 Views)

Re: Multiple versions of Agatha Crumplebottom and Agnes Crumplebottom

★★ Novice

This problem happened to me without mccc (or any mods) installed in my game. Showed up to the finchwick fair and there were two Agnes’ there walking around. 

Message 25 of 88 (1,808 Views)

Re: [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

★★★★ Apprentice

This happens for me when I load Finchwick neighbourhood.  I haven't bought anything from the stall, or interacted in any way with the Crumplebottoms, but multiples appear in household management after I've played my family who lives there.

Message 26 of 88 (1,770 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [CoL] Multiple versions of Agatha and Agnes Crumplebottom

Just noticed that I have a second mayor now too.

Message 27 of 88 (1,741 Views)

Re: Multiple versions of Agatha Crumplebottom and Agnes Crumplebottom

★ Guide

@83bienchen nope not an MCC issue.  I am having the issue and I never had that mod installed.

Message 28 of 88 (1,701 Views)

Re: Multiple versions of Agatha Crumplebottom and Agnes Crumplebottom

★ Guide

I am not sure how this thread has changed it was initially about the bloated other households.  Is this still part of this thread or are we talking only about the multiple agatha and agnes?   Anyways I am watching a TON of foxes getting created so I don't know.  It feels like this game is generating multiples of everything and causing the households to bloat.

Message 29 of 88 (1,696 Views)

Re: Multiple versions of Agatha Crumplebottom and Agnes Crumplebottom

@keekee53 I created this thread and it was always about multiples Agathas and Agneses. It was never about bloated other households.

Message 30 of 88 (1,661 Views)