[NEEDS SAVES] Excessive fireplace lighting

by Zack4358

Original Post

Re: [OPEN] Excessive fireplace lighting

@MaewrMe Did you see the post above yours and send your save if it's not related to clubs ?

Good Luck


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Message 31 of 34 (411 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Excessive fireplace lighting

★★ Pro

I have the issue that my ranch helpers always come inside the house to light the fireplace. It was so excessive that I had to delete the fireplace. They also constantly taking showers.

Message 32 of 34 (331 Views)

Re: My sims keep lighting the fireplace

★★ Guide
@TheSimsDirect I have this issue now without club activity. I have that pack though so I guess it depends on what that means. The sim lives in a custom built sim home I made, has 3 roommates one dog and one infant. No clubs. I have tested with and without mods and the result is the same. The pet won't eat, won't do anything but stand there until forced to go eat. Then he might go play with the ball, or dart around but ends up right back in front of the fireplace. He's also gone to the master where there is a dog bed and slept and still goes right back. Also won't go outside. I guess I could take him to the sim vet for a check up. Or maybe there is doctor who can help fix this (and the other) bugs that are driving me mad when I try to play.

Ideas, suggestions, fixes, anything?
Message 33 of 34 (269 Views)

Re: My sims keep lighting the fireplace

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

@mrstank30 Exactly the same!! I was wondering why she was insisting on avoiding the bowl even it was 2 seconds away from her lol she does not go to the potty unless she is told to do so (trained like a decade ago), always lying in front of the fireplace… seems she got captivated by it lol


Everybody in my household is really interested in lighting those fireplaces (there are 3 of them) - even it was too hot. I command them to put the fire out but after a few minutes, they come and light them up again!


@TheSimsDirect are you still interested in collecting save files? If so, I can also send mine.

Message 34 of 34 (157 Views)