[NEEDS SAVES] [CD] Pets don't eat from full bowls (Patch 1.69)

by madinandreea

Original Post

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

@EwoDarkWolf Does that happen whether you tell the dog to eat or not ?

Good Luck


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Important Threads

Message 11 of 40 (1,626 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

★★★★ Novice

The dog will usually eat when I tell it to. The bug is more in its own ability to meet its needs. Even when it does eat, the dog is almost always in the red unless I am constantly asking what it wants.

Message 12 of 40 (1,611 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

★★★ Guide

I have exactly this issue! I got a message that my dog was starving. However there was food. Then right on time the dog went to eat by itself. I have a household with two small dogs, but only one of the two waits until they're almost starving to go eat. Unless the other one does it too and I just haven't noticed...

Message 13 of 40 (1,594 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

@EwoDarkWolf Merging this with the existing bug report then.

Good Luck


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Important Threads

Message 14 of 40 (1,591 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.


I've got this now too on Xbox series S since the last update September 2021. I've got a cat and dog, both rescues, fed each morning by the sim calling them to bowls. The cat often won't finish her food and has to be told again. In the middle of the night the pets both become starving even with automated bowls full of food set on 3 hour refills. Today I got an exclamation point pop up on the dog's picture and a message saying "your pet needs you" then a notification she might be taken away.

The dog's mood drops really rapidly and every 2 days she tries to run away, but the gate is locked to prevent her getting out. The cat gets moody and starving too but they have food, treats, attention. There are issues with them unable to go potty too without being told and having indoor accidents but I'm looking for another open thread on that.

I'm switching Sims after this mess to see if it continues with a new household.

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Message 15 of 40 (1,534 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

★★★ Pro
@simsplayer818 I don't think cats are supposed to eat a whole bowl full of food every time. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I'm seeing in my game. Only Glutton cats will eat the whole bowl empty. Cats are small animals so it doesn't make sense that they would always eat everything in one go.
Message 16 of 40 (1,490 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

@siirysiir Hey there, actually I'm not sure if Sims cats are meant to clean the bowl or not...my real life cat certainly doesn't! My cats in the Sims though, they won't eat at all until told to, not one bite. They starve and complain until led to the bowl. I've had some that were fed in the morning by the Sim, but then by say 4am I got a warning message to feed them even though food was in front of them to get themselves.
I don't work for EA. I'm a Volunteer.
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Message 17 of 40 (1,468 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [CD] Pets don't eat from full bowls (Patch 1.69)

★ Guide

Seems that this bug is back once again, my cats won't eat from their bowls unless I tell them to. Didn't they fix this already twice? 😭

Message 18 of 40 (1,387 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [CD] Pets don't eat from full bowls (Patch 1.69)

Community Manager (retired)

Could anyone experiencing this issue possibly share a save file where you've seen it occur? You can DM me the link to your save, thanks so much!


Instructions for sharing your save: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4-Bug-Reports/INFORMATION-How-to-Send-User-Files-to-The-Sims-4-Tea...

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Message 19 of 40 (1,332 Views)

Re: Dog won't eat until the last second, cause it to be taken away every time.

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

I've had the Cats and Dogs for a while now and this is the first time this has happened to me. My cat has a red moodlet and when ask whats wrong the prompt says the cat needs to be fed, albeit a full bowl. I call my cat to eat, he does, but the red moodlet is still there along with the prompt to feed him. 

Message 20 of 40 (1,261 Views)