October 2017
Sent you my save via Box. Hope it helps! (if you don't get, I'll resend via a message--was trying to be quick because literally just saw this and feel bad for not answering sooner!)
November 2017
Are you guys still seeing this after the patch ?
@bookmaster325 @Fierande @Zasz_Zerg @ShadoeLandman
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
December 2017
December 2017 - last edited December 2017 by crinrict
I think your suppose to have Autonomously fighting with parent hood it says so in the game play trailer and shows it https://youtu.be/2lfeLagBUME @crinrict @SimGuruNick
December 2017
December 2017 - last edited December 2017
are you still seeing it and have you used mods or cc with the save sometimes just turning off mods doesn't help
so if you have any you will need to remove them and also may have to start a new save with a new sim
because sometimes removing mods and cc does not help @bookmaster325
February 2018
I almost thought the bug was gone, but unfortunately no, the fighting still occurs in my game.
February 2018
Good Luck
I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.
Important Threads
February 2018
I've finally sent my save to @SimGuruNick, I hope it will help.
February 2018 - last edited February 2018
I'm tagging @SimGuruNick again, even though I mentioned the things below in my private message before, but I'd like to add something more to my thought after testing, and share with others here.
All right, I think I know what's the deal with that fighting. Maybe I'm not 100% right, but I think I'm on the right track.
The problem are the Character Values, the Conflict Resolution to be exact. During Vampiric Spars and Vampiric Duels, a vampire loses some Conflict Resolution. It happens even for Young Adults or Adult Sims, even for those who was created as such. Both interactions are pretty quick way to gain some vampire points (and be honest, they look pretty awsome). But as the result of that, our vampires' Conflict Resolution decreases a little every time. It's easier with teens in the sense that we can control that on their Simology chart, but we can't with adults.
I've done some testing with a new family where nobody is a vampire. I used cheats to lower Conflict Resolution. At first I gave a father the value of -90 (so he was in the range to get Argumentative Trait). It took some time but he started a fight with his teenage daughter on his own. Then I started over and I gave a mother the value of -75 (so she was low, but not in the range). She started a fight with her husband. I wasn't really controlling them during testing, definitely not when fighting occured. They all had almost max positive relationships, and no negative moodlets. Most of people with this problem have a vampire with hot-headed trait (or insane), but my tested mother was Materialistic, Clumsy and Good. So I believe that since hot-headed trait lowers Conflict Resolution by default, those Sims get to a negative-fighting-level quicker and it's easier to be noticed (I'm not sure about insane, but I assume it's the same).
To sum up, the main problem here is that Sims with low Conflict Resolution don't control their argumentativeness at all. I get that it should be unpredictable, but at the same time I believe they should not fist fight with their loved ones. They could argue, but not fight. Or at least not when they don't even have any negative moodlets. The additional problem is that adult Sims are gaining any Character Values while we can't control that (we can't see it in their Simology).
I hope my observation will be helpful, and that something can be done with these issues.