Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues

by Graywhispers

Original Post

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues

★★★★★ Novice

No glass flooring, I don't have Island Living. Also, there is actually basement rooms that would be visible if it was an actual hole or lack of ground etc. The light fades out into the dark at the "edge" of the area, so it's really that it just won't register illumination on that section. Yes it's the only place I have noticed any issue like it.

Apologies, I tested retracing the room and meant to say in previous post, it had no effect. It's counting as a room, but as I previously mentioned, the problem is at the back end where it connects directly to a florist workshop, the separating wall is lined with the same windows as the rest of the greenhouse so light should be coming through in either direction from there as well. I just now tested removing the floral shack and the problem goes away with it. Tested adding extra light in the shack and it's not passing through. It's like the separating wall is causing some issue with it connected to the second room. Removing the shack *and* the Windows on that back\separating wall still causes more illumination in the problem area than when the shack is there with full length windows on that separating wall.


The flickering seems to only occur during daylight hours, it's noticeable in build mode and live mode, but only with daylight. Haven't noticed it on other lots but I haven't visited any other lots that are customized. I'm planning to move the family to a bigger lot so I will compare between the two and see. If needs be I'll start a new game just for some testing purposes.

Oh and the only cheat I have ever activated is moo.

Sorry for leaving out some specifics previously.

Message 11 of 16 (649 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues

[ Edited ]

@Graywhispers I would also recommend retracing all adjacent rooms to see if that helps. I have had issues with some electronic things behaving buggy when placed with moo on. Please try to recreate both rooms without moo active, and without placing any items with moo or by dragging them with alt pressed or enlarging anything. Just place everything where it snaps to by default. Please also make sure that all items placed in the rooms above and below are placed in the same way.


I have seen cases where the roof was causing an issue into the room below also... so if the issue remains after all of of the above steps you can try to remove the roof (but leave the ceiling - the ceilings should all be there after retracing.... you can confirm your ceiling is in each room by going to the floor above - if a ceiling is missing, go to the room, click a wall to highlight the whole room.... with it highlighted go to the floor above and click the yellow rim on that highlighted room and choose to build ceiling). See if the issue remains.


I found this article about sharing PS4 screenshots to Facebook. If you shared to your facebook I assume you could drag the image to to your desktop and share from there? Or can you save the screenshot to a flash drive then drag it to your desktop from the flash drive on your computer?


Please update us with your findings. Thank you!

SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 12 of 16 (637 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues

★★★★★ Novice

It's a greenhouse... There's literally nothing but plants in the room, they were placed without moo. I use moo very selectively, for some specific interior design areas only ( like the kitchen counter decor because of the terrible waste of space that occurs placing clutter and such into counters\tables etc).

The ceiling of the greenhouse room is purposefully removed, and it has a glass roof. 


I just tested and perfectly recreated the issue on an empty lot.

Here are the specifics. No cheats enabled. Built 6x18 rectangle room with custom room tool. Built a 6x6 room attached to one end, lined out all 4 walls with custom room tool. Placed "Classy Glass Doors" ( medium door) in the middle of both the greenhouse wall sections (i.e. The two smaller 6 square walls of the original 6x18 rectangle). Placed " Le Magnifique Window" (medium window) on every 2 square section of the 6x18 rectangle remaining for a total of the 2 doors and 22 windows. Removed the floor and ceiling of the 6x18 rectangle room. Placed a hipped roof stretched to fit the 6x18 room size with no other adjustments. Placed a square roof trim on it. Added "Ornamental -Scrollwork Glass Roof" pattern.

At this point the nearly 3x6 section of ground on the inside of the 6x18 window covered rectangle room that is against the 6 square walls section that separates off the secondary 6x6 room, is pitch black, with light set to "Afternoon". Placed as many lights of varying types and styles as would fit in that section and it makes absolutely no change in the just solid pitch black ground.

And ye, on PS4 so no mods or cc, just to be clear. Standard smile

Message 13 of 16 (612 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues


@Graywhispers Since you were so wonderfully kind and added all of your details, I wanted to thank you so I went way out of my comfort zone and made a video with audio (! - I don't like doing audio, and it's very rough - ! ). Standard smile So... in this video I recreated your issue per your specifications. In doing so you can see at about halfway through the video your issue has been reproduces. I believe the shadows you are seeing are examples of the severe shadows that seem to be appearing in the game, and sometimes in intensity, directions and patterns that defy reason given the surroundings. 


I followed this part of the video with a way to seal the room and remove that shadow, then plant directly into the ground and add sprinklers (super handy for lower maintenance - one of my favorite gardening tricks). I assumed you wanted to plant directly into the ground since you asked me to delete the flooring. I hope this is of some use, and if nothing else hopefully it demonstrates on video the issue you are experiencing for this post.


SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 14 of 16 (604 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues

★★★★★ Novice

Thank you for the vid, the audio was fine no worries! Standard smile

I appreciate the alternative design, especially if I do a larger greenhouse.

I actually prefer patchy to sprinklers, just seem to get more overall use and benefit with less hassle hehe.

I continued fiddling with things after I posted and found that when I removed the floor of the adjacent shack the issue would vanish along with it, which combined with the tar pit shadows in the middle section you address in your video, seems to point at it being a problem with anywhere that room with floor is up against room section without. Considering the depth differences its accurate to have shadows, they just shouldn't be of the light eating black hole variety!  Standard smile

Ty again for recreating and demonstrating the problem in a video!

Message 15 of 16 (584 Views)

Re: [NEEDS INPUT] Rooms and floors cause outdoor lighting issues


@Graywhispers You are very welcome! Yes, I'm also not a fan of the harsh & illogical shadowing as of late in certain circumstances. Perhaps we will be lucky and find adjustments in this in today's Fingers crossed or future updates. Btw... I love gardens, greenhouses, and Patchy!! :eahigh_file: Agree 100% with you! In almost every build I slip some form of them in, even if it's just adding several of my live plants in the yard so they can bake/cook properly. Have fun with your new home and let us know if you need anything else! Standard smile


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SheriGR   I don’t work for EA.

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Message 16 of 16 (575 Views)