Multiple errors post update

by playermttjms

Original Post

Multiple errors post update

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? June 2020 update
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All Expansions minus Eco Lifestyle All Game Packs except for Jungle Adventure
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I'm having multiple errors: Make a mermaid sim have a baby Make your sim use their phone Start a fire Make alot of trash Have Sims talk to each other
What happens when the bug occurs? Have a mermaid sim have a baby and look at the sim, then it's mermaid form, they have completely different appearances even though they are "linked" if you try and alter the mermaid face it will make the sim face change to be the same as that randomly generated face. Create a lot of trash on your home lot and put it in an external bin, it will overflow. Have your Sims use their phone and you will get off the grid emotions though you aren't off the grid, mostly negative ones I'm getting. When a fire starts the firefighters do nothing and arrive in their own clothes... When my Sims are talking to each other, they keep resetting or queueing up interactions but don't do any of them. They also get the bored moodlet even though the panel says the conversation is pleasant funny or suggestive.
What do you expect to see? Mermaids faces matching on both forms, preferably genetically correct from their parents. No trash overflowing No negative off the grid emotions if we aren't off the grid Firefighters doing their jobs Conversations being more than boring
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Sorry I don't know if you can report more than one issue at a time in a post. 


The mermaid one I have had on/off for a while, so I can't count that in the patch, but it used to be one sim and now it is most or all. One mermaid is also not showing up in game as a mermaid but she is in CAS. 


The rest have happened after the patch. 

Message 1 of 3 (422 Views)

Re: Multiple errors post update

★★★ Apprentice

I have the one where you get the bad moodlet of being off grid after using the phone on an on grid lot.

Message 2 of 3 (345 Views)

Re: Multiple errors post update

[ Edited ]
Community Manager (retired)

Hey there,


thanks for your reports! Standard smile


@playermttjms I understand that you've been having some of the issues since before the patch. After you have removed your mods/CC, have you tried repairing the game in Origin to see if that helps?


If not, could you try the following for me, please:


  • Open Origin > Library > click on TS4 > click the cog wheel next to the "Play" button > select "Repair game"
    Please wait all packs are repaired, too, not only the base game.
  • You can also try clearing the Origin cache.

 @AlyaSerpens could you give it a go and see if the steps above help you with your issue if you haven't tried those yet? 




One thing to keep in mind for the future is that our bug report templates are designed to gather details on one bug at a time. This way, other players to relate to one specific bug instead of adding more to the list which can muddle things up and take away from the other bug.

If we can focus on one bug, it makes it easier for us to track it and provide the player with relevant advice and info.


Also, it's good to remember that different factors can lead to different bugs so focusing on one specific thing helps to speed up investigations and narrowing down causes to find a fix faster - and that's what we want, right? Standard smile 


It can be helpful to check this thread, "Compiled list of reported issues" for existing active bugs, and to use the search function to see if there is an active thread on the issue already. If not, go ahead and create a new one. Thumbs up


I will close this thread in the meantime.


- Leeloo


Stay and Play.png
Message 3 of 3 (314 Views)