Re: Incorrect Bills when visiting a lot

by pekesims

Original Post

Incorrect Bills when visiting a lot

★★★ Newbie

There is an issue where if my sim is visiting a lot they receive the bills for that lot, as opposed to the bills for their home lot.

Message 1 of 3 (256 Views)

Re: Incorrect Bills when visiting a lot


@elenatsoi Do you actually receive bills in the mail on another lot  ? Is that what you're saying ? Or do your exiting bills have the wrong amount ? What happens if you travel back home ?


Are you using mods in your game ?

Good Luck


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Message 2 of 3 (250 Views)

Re: Incorrect Bills when visiting a lot

[ Edited ]
Hero (Retired)

I know about someone who is receiving incredibly high bills while living in Granite Falls. I'm talking about 13000$ or even 23000$. I don't know if it is the same problem. Are you talking about Granite falls lots?


Image showing the problem:


In case it is the same problem: she tried with two different households. I have asked her if she has any mod installed, I will come back when she answers me.

Message 3 of 3 (240 Views)