[GTW] Detective: Suspect doesn't match clues given

by xIceRose

Original Post

Re: [GTW] Detective: Suspect doesn't match clues given

★★★★ Pro

I have experienced a similar issue and in my case It was caused 2 MCCC issues. 

  1. If you set the tray import for NPCs to 100% then it interferes with the suspects matching the case clues and a the case cannot be completed. 
  2. If you use MCCC Dresser with a config file to automatically change outfits to a defined outfit list (like the Fashion Police mod)  it also disrupts suspects from matching the case evidence. 

I have set my tray import to 50% and I've disabled automatic dresser changes and Cases resolve normally now.

I suspect that other mods that restrict NPC wardrobe and traits at creation may also cause the same issues.  

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