Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

by zirize

Original Post

[GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Expansion Packs: All but Eco Lifestyle and Snowy Escape. Game Packs: Vampires, Outdoor Retreat. Stuff packs: Backyard Stuff Pack, Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a sim with the Carefree reward trait and the "No Touching!" [GF] fame quirk perform an acting scene listed under "Perform Scene..." (Romance Scene/Horror Scene/Action scene tested) with another sim that is not their romantic partner.
What happens when the bug occurs? The acting scene will never finish due to the "No Touching!" Tense animation consistently showing up (without the tense moodlet due to Carefree), blocking some pre-acting gig requirements, if a sim is in the acting career, from being fulfilled.
What do you expect to see? The acting scene completes properly, fulfilling some pre-performance requirements for the acting career if a sim is in it.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Bug report as above.


Edit: 30/04/2021 7:40 pm AEDT: rename perk to quirk

Message 1 of 15 (2,329 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

[ Edited ]

@humbelha137 Hello!  I recently discovered this myself. Edit: I agree that it's a bug!   I'm not sure it's a bug though.  The reason I think it's by design is because of that tense animation, where the celebrity sim seems disgusted, right before the interaction ends.  Fortunately, you can use the Quirk B Gone potion.  It's only 250 satisfaction points in the reward store.



If needed and you don't mind using a cheat here and there, you can cheat some points by pressing ctrl+shift+c and in the command line in the upper left type  testingcheats on  then press enter. Then type or copy and paste sims.give_satisfaction_points {number}  (ex. sims.give_satisfaction_points 500  will give your sim 500 points).


Edit: It's annoying.  I don't remember how many times it happened and I had several choice words for my sim at the time.  I had no idea why the interaction kept failing.  Then I took to the interwebs and found the answer buried in a forums thread.  Sure enough, my sim had the no-touching quirk and I didn't even realize it.  I wasted no time cheating that little rascal out. lol

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Message 2 of 15 (2,268 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

★★ Guide
Message 3 of 15 (2,234 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

[ Edited ]

@zirize Hello!  I'm terribly sorry you are having problems too.  I do think there are two separate things here.  The Carefree trait was intended to prevent sims from becoming tense in uncomfortable situations.  The no-touching quirk was intended to prevent sims from having physical contact.  With or without the Carefree trait, the "perform scene" interaction would fail given the intent of the no-touching quirk.  Without the Carefree trait, sims with the no-touching quirk would become tense from any physical interaction in addition to those interactions failing.  As for your other post, I have no idea why sims would become angry.  I haven't experienced that in my game.  That one seems like a bug for sure.


Edit: After further testing, I do believe there is a bug conflict with Carefree reward trait and No-touching quirk!

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Message 4 of 15 (2,217 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@JonaO703 Thank you for replay. Lack of my poor English, I don't know how to say politely. In that my article, I wrote "angry(anger) animation" not "angry emotion". The problem of no-touching quirk mechanism is it's related to "certain tension emotion". As long as the sim has that tension emotion, "Anger animation(No touching quirk reaction)" never happens. Thus, the sim has no carefree or laid-back traits with no touching quirk, actuallly can performe act scenes. Considering sims can get no touching quirk extreme easily, some circumstances it is almost unplayable without cheats, in my opinion.


@humbelha137 Totally I agree with the dev that this is not a bug. Simply it's a really really bad game design. I believe if the dev play as much as their players, they will know this needs a fix. Honestly, that moment I was told "it's by design", I lost all my hope for the sims 4 and maxis.


(CM: Multiple posts merged. Check out this post for tips on how to edit and add more to a post.)

Message 5 of 15 (2,191 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

★★★ Apprentice

@JonaO703 @zirize I have just managed to do some extra tests, and it appears that:


  • Without "No Touching!" (whether carefree or not) - the acting scenes described work properly, and the sim is able to complete their acting gig requirements if in the acting career.
  • Without Carefree, but with No Touching! - same as above (i.e. completes the acting scene), but gets the tense "Crawling in My Skin" moodlet and the "No Touching!" animation before the scene starts, but otherwise is able to complete the scene as long as the "Crawling in my skin" moodlet does not expire during that time that the scene is being performed.
  • With both Carefree and No Touching! - the sim gets the "No Touching!" animation during the acting scene, which stops the scene and hence the sim fails to properly complete it. This has happened every time that I have tested it.

I am aware of the previous issue that you have pointed out, and whilst I am aware that the previous issue is in some sense by design, this issue is a consequence of such behaviour that leads to broken functionality here - unless of course the act is done with a romantic partner.


In short, I have good reason to believe that sims should be able to complete acting scenes with the "No Touching!" quirk, but when "Carefree" is added to this, it causes an oversight which prevents acting scenes from taking place, and as such perhaps this is a bug, since without the "Carefree" trait the acting scenes usually work.

Message 6 of 15 (2,152 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail


@humbelha137 My apologies!  I tested some more and was able to replicate the issue as you described it.  Initially, I misunderstood what was happening.  In my current test save, I removed the Carefree reward trait and my celebrity sim, with the no-touching quirk, completed the perform scene task.  So I do think that the Carefree trait is inhibiting this task but it should not.  I have added my "me too" to your post and have updated my replies.  I hope you accept my apology and I also hope that the dev's will address the issue!

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Message 7 of 15 (2,106 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail


@zirize Your English is great so please don't ever apologize for that!  I misunderstood but that's not a reflection of your ability to express yourself.  I know many "native" English speakers who don't have the command of the language that you have.

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Message 8 of 15 (2,104 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

★★ Guide

First I want to say that I am totally agree with you.

In truth, I did mention about failing acting in my original post.
Yet, the dev claimed it's by design.
That time, I dared to argue with devs because of my poor English.

Now, you are here.

Please persuade the dev for us.
You are the only hope.

ps) I was intentionally waiting to post this until monday.
I'm really curious about how the moderators will handle this report.
Message 9 of 15 (2,032 Views)

Re: [GF] Carefree + No Touching means acting scenes always fail

★★★★ Expert

I agree that Sims get the No Touching quirk very easily. 


My Sim:  *tries to romance an interesting, compatible, and attractive woman*

[popup about NEW QUIRK! No touching!]

Romance -> First Kiss:  Now LOCKED OUT.

Me:  HEY!  Stop that!  We were trying to hit on that girl! 


Quirk-b-gone got rid of it and my sim was able to kiss the girl and ask her to be girlfriend, so... it all worked out.  But still.


Er.  I digress.  I haven't tried to do acting scenes with No Touching, but since a lot of acting gigs involve touching co-stars...

Message 10 of 15 (2,010 Views)