Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

by Itsatrap5000

Original Post

Accepted Solution

GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★ Novice

My opponent set Negotiator on defense. I attacked with Malevolence and lost. When I attacked again with my Negotiator, his entire fleet reset to max health and protection and reinforcements were also refreshed. I attacked a third time and the same thing happened. 

Message 1 of 10 (827 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

Hero (Retired)

So reinforcements not being on the field on the second attempt is WAI, unless you've defeated one of the original starters. But the damage you've done should remain.

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Message 9 of 10 (645 Views)

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Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

EA Live QV Team

Hey @Itsatrap5000 


May I have your ally code, please?

Message 2 of 10 (760 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★ Novice

Hey @EA_Gunner 



Thanks for replying and looking into this. 

It just happened again in Round 3, 5 minutes ago. First time it happened in Round 2 it didn’t cost me anything because I had already lost. But this time, it cost me the round and maybe staying in K1 depending on how many points I lose. 


Message 3 of 10 (739 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★★ Guide
@Itsatrap5000 Did you actually complete the battle and see the defeat screen?

Or did you quit the battle through the menu when you realised you were going to lose?
Message 4 of 10 (720 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★ Novice

Yes. I let the battle finish. 

Then, the screen where you select which enemy to attack shows the fleet with health and protection depleted and any ships I defeated as actually defeated. I attack it again, and the entire enemy fleet regenerated and reset to the original 3 ships. It seemed TM and cooldowns were reset as well. 

Message 5 of 10 (707 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

EA Live QV Team

Hello again @Itsatrap5000 

I checked your GAC history and cannot confirm any issues in the fleet battles.
In the first battle with your Malevolence fleet, you reduced the health or protection of:

  • Negotiator H:100% P: 0%
  • Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter H:100% P: 39%
  • BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter H:63% P: 40%
  • Umbaran Starfighter H:81% P: 40%

The second battle Negotiator vs Negotiator started with the stats above. You manage to defeat BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter.
The other ships were only damaged more:

  • Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter H:100% P: 39% -> H:39% P: 0%
  • Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter H:100% P: 100% -> H:100% P: 27%
  • Umbaran Starfighter H:81% P: 40% ->H:54% P: 0%

The third battle started with the same stats as above. 

Message 6 of 10 (688 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★ Novice

Hi again @EA_Gunner ,

1) Does the log show enemy reinforcements? Bc in both attempts, reinforcements came into the battle, but on the next attempt, they were back off the battle field. 


2) This happened again yesterday. I attacked my opponent Executor with First Order fleet. I did not kill any ships, but positioned the fleet so my Malevolence could clean it up. But when I re-entered the battle, the enemy fleet was back to 100% and reinforcements were off screen. 



Message 7 of 10 (678 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★ Novice

@EA_Gunner Unfortunately I did not take screen video. I have one screen cap showing the results after the SECOND attack. All of the damage and reinforcements from the first attack were erased before the second attack, as shown in the pic. 

Message 8 of 10 (662 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

Hero (Retired)

So reinforcements not being on the field on the second attempt is WAI, unless you've defeated one of the original starters. But the damage you've done should remain.

Message 9 of 10 (646 Views)

Re: GAC enemy fleet completely refreshes between attacks

★★★ Novice

I’ve not experienced that before if it’s WAI. Hopefully EA will confirm that if it’s true. 

Message 10 of 10 (606 Views)