GAC 3v3 slower enemy team started fight at first

by Halleck-Gurney

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GAC 3v3 slower enemy team started fight at first

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice


I noticed a serious bug during the GAC in the beggining of the fight with Chewie3po 


My opponent ally code 487-493-986 and his "bug" team was Commandant Luke Skywalker Lead + C3po + Chewie3po


My ally code 811-343-821 


I started the first fight with Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker lead / Hermit Yoda and old ben so the enemies have the speed of JKLS. But they haven't. Chewie started first etc etc I lost.

I started once again with Thrawn lead and Gideon and other one. My Gideon has 342 speed, same thing ! Chewie started first etc etc I lost 

I started 8 times until Chewie decides to start but not with this special (thank you so much chewie) and I finally won. 


It's very unfair.




Message 1 of 4 (324 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: GAC 3v3 slower enemy team started fight at first

@Halleck-Gurney That's correct. If you lose the first attempt enemies will have their Turn Meter loaded for subsequent attempts. Even if he only had 25% TM, it's enough to make sure Chewpio will outspeed your Moff Gideon.

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Message 4 of 4 (289 Views)

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Re: GAC 3v3 slower enemy team started fight at first

[ Edited ]

@Halleck-Gurney Did you open with Heroes Arise from your Hermit Yoda, or Master's Training? JKLS doesn't reduce the enemy's speed until the start of his first turn. 

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Message 2 of 4 (303 Views)

Re: GAC 3v3 slower enemy team started fight at first

★★ Novice
@ChristophIV Yes you're right. I started with Heroes Arise first, I lost the first game. I meant the second fight with Thrawn+Gideo+ Death Trooper. I couldn't start first with Gideon ! Chewie did but I think Chewie got still turn meter because the first fight was not cancelled. Correct ?
Message 3 of 4 (298 Views)

Re: GAC 3v3 slower enemy team started fight at first

@Halleck-Gurney That's correct. If you lose the first attempt enemies will have their Turn Meter loaded for subsequent attempts. Even if he only had 25% TM, it's enough to make sure Chewpio will outspeed your Moff Gideon.

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Message 4 of 4 (290 Views)