April 2020
Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform: Xiaomi
List the specific devices you play with Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite
OS Version Android 8.1.0
Player ID: 1003389394317
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a couple have two or more babies. When the babies grow up make them playable and check their Contacts and relationship status.
What do you expect to see? Relationship status corrected
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region South America
Country Brazil
Additional feedback
Same couple from my home had two baby girls. I made them playable and the Contacts of one of them was only Mother and Father, but the Contacts of the other one was Mother, Father, Aunt and Grandmother. When I introduced them they are only Acquaintances and i couldn't start the relationship story: Siblings Rivalry.
April 2020
April 2020
Same for my family, 3 brothers all not recognising each other, Player ID: 1004636496705
April 2020
Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform: Apple iPhone
Device: iPhone 6s
OS Version: iOS 13.4.1
Player ID: 1003064437648
How often does the bug occur: Always (100%)
Connection Type: Wifi
Region: Asia
Country: Philippines
Comments: Issue has been ongoing since I started the game. I recently returned to playing Sims again but issue is still standing now. I’m currently on my 6th Generation Family & sure that the game is updated.
April 2020
Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform: Apple iPhone
Device: iPhone SE
OS Version: iOS 12.2
Player ID: 1005464951571
How often does the bug occur: Always (100%)
Connection Type: Wifi
Country: Australia
Comments: Issue has been ongoing since I started the game. I deleted the game once and start from the very beginning. Now there are about 4 siblings in the house but the issue is still there. All the siblings can't recognize each other and of course there is no sibling rivalry story.
Look forward to your fix.
April 2020
The latest thing I tried was moving my sims to a fresh device. I was playing on an iPhone and I moved to playing on an iPad fresh install (moved by logging in with same apple game center id). It did not help. It is unrelated to the local state of the device so you can stop having your customer support reps recommend this course of action.
April 2020
I have the same issue! This is my second generation that I’m trying to use the Sibling Rivalry story.
I have 3 siblings from the same mom and dad. They are all from the same bassinet. Their relationship also currenlty shows strangers and does not say that they are siblings, hence I can’t play the sibling story.
can someone help?
id: 1005381176285
April 2020
Same issue. This is also preventing me from initiating the sibling rivalry story.
PlayerID: 1004562063304
April 2020
Same issue for months now. The only relationship status that is recognised is mother and father, and all siblings and even grandparents/aunties etc have flirt interactions available. Wouldn’t bother me other than I need to complete sibling rivalry. Please release a patch or something.
I have also tried the removal of all sims and started a completely fresh batch unrelated to the old family. Did nothing.
April 2020
I have the exact same problem. No matter what I do, brothers and sisters (adopted or not) never show as so.