[Fixed] Can't get married even though engagement

by vintagesaturday

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[Fixed] Can't get married even though engagement

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform:Apple iPhone
List the specific devices you play with (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7) IPhone 6s
OS Version 11.2.6
Player ID: (Find your Player ID in Sims Mobile: https://help.ea.com/help/the-sims/the-sims-mobile/find-your-player-id-in-the-sims-mobile ) 1003388170608
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Attempt marriage
What do you expect to see? Sims marry
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country United States
Additional feedback My sim is engaged to NPC. Proposal was successful. It says ‘fiance’ under his name. I have the arch flowers etc all for wedding. Relationship is maxed out. When I click on the arch I get error stating requires engaged sim. Sims are both on lot.

Even though all requirements met unable to have sims marry. Screenshots included.

Message 1 of 19 (9,137 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

No reports or replies so I'm marking this one as fixed!


Answers HQ Guardian

do not work for EA


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Message 17 of 19 (9,902 Views)

All Replies

Won't let me marry

★★ Newbie
I've had my sim be in a relationship for over a week. She's proposed to a guy, and they are now fiance's, and it says that in the game. I've advanced the relationship to the highest it will go, yet it won't let them get married. I have the arch, and the other two things needed, but it says that my sims are not engaged but when I click on the dude it says they are. I'm so confused, on why it won't let me?
Message 2 of 19 (9,056 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★★★ Novice

Any resolution to this, I am having the same problem and it’s so frustrating. 

Message 3 of 19 (8,987 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★★★★★ Apprentice
Yep same problem here and no solution. Very frustrating being unable to fulfill that quest or advance my game.
Message 4 of 19 (8,973 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★★★ Newbie
I also have the exact same problem, any news on a fix yet??
Message 5 of 19 (8,848 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★ Apprentice
Yeah! Let's all leave sad shawt painful lonely pictures of getting left at the wedding arch. The forced spinster, or the 40 year old virgin. Coz we can't marry our betrothed. Also, you aged my NPC partner! He got aged even though we were engaged! None of the other NPCs I'm friends with or completed their stories with have aged. Just him! What's the meaning of this?!?! Frown
Message 6 of 19 (8,772 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★★★★★ Apprentice
Weird, my NPC engaged person aged up too and was the only one who aged no other NPC did. Wonder if it’s related? Wish they would fix- can’t play until they do.
Message 7 of 19 (8,758 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★ Apprentice
Did your NPC partner get all buggy the days leading up to this aging problem too? Mine stayed in my house for 3 to 4 days without leaving..

Also, now I'm trying to find a way to see if we can re-propose, like go to rivals then back to lovers (but I doubt it's possible, the story seems set in stone the moment it's chosen).

Also, lol, I'm cheesed coz of the time and *cough*emotional*cough* investment in my sims. Not to mention, all the times I had to be careful not to retire my sims by accident before marrying Frown
Message 8 of 19 (8,721 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★★★★★ Apprentice
My sim never even moved in fully. He’ll stick around after an event but I usually have to call him first. It’s all completed except I can’t manage to get the darn wedding to happen. I know what you mean after investing so much time in the chapters you want to be able to make it work. I’m appalled they haven’t worked on this yet.
Message 9 of 19 (8,704 Views)

Re: [Open] Can't get married even though engagement

★ Apprentice
Yeah, me too! They need to work out these bugs asap. My plans have been stalled too. Sigh. I was even saving up SimCash to move him in as my 3rd playable character. Did you also get your wedding arch after you proposed? Because that's what I did and I think that may be the bug. For example, I can't unlock some career stuff even though I have completed that career.. The item/or task came up after I completed it so... yeah.

But anyway, I hope this gets patched soon.. for all of us. Or at least some acknowledgement that they're working on it. I won't ever get to retire my sim this way. :/
Message 10 of 19 (8,686 Views)