Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

by Alourra

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[FIXED] Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice


My Sim travelled to a park and took cuttings of a pear tree(I don't think it matters what plant though), returned home and notice that they've changed to become a stack of unspecified "Spliced Garden Shoot". Under where it typically states the cut plant was only "A cutting from a garden plant used for grafting".


I don't remember if it remained as a pear cutting, but fortunately ONE of the shoots functioned as it was supposed to and I was able to graft a plant, the other 3 though unfortunately, remains in my Sim's inventory, non-functional. Doesn't appear in the graft menu, cannot be sold, dragged out of the inventory or deleted(?), stacked or unstacked.


That's all from me, enjoying the game so far. Confusedmileyhappy:

Message 1 of 78 (10,139 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [RE-OPEN] Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch


Fixed in Patch 1.28.25


  • Taking a cutting from a wild plant will once again identify the plant from which it was taken.

NOTE: I'm marking this as fixed and will lock this as this thread has become a bit of a multiple issue thing


If you still have issues with grafting, please open a new thread.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 78 of 78 (7,377 Views)

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Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

★★ Novice

Welp, items disappeared upon travelling.


Message 2 of 78 (10,039 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

★ Guide

Actually this is a possible 'bug.' 


If you take a cutting in your own yard while gardening, it WILL retain metadata about the cutting. (eg, what plant).


If you take multiple cuttings remotely, it will show you the metadata while you are REMOTE.


If you travel home, you still have the stack of cuttings, but the metadata is WIPED. They are now just arbitrary cuttings to you as a viewer. In actuality they are still the plant cuttings that they were taken from however you cannot tell what they are. 


If you are trying to hybridize plants with grafting, to get possible unique new plants (such as I am at this point), and you come home with 3 cuttings and have three specific cuttings which you intend to graft to 3 specific different plants it's now a sort of game of chance. If you guess wrong, you graft onto the wrong plant and start over. If you save before doing this it's not as huge a dilemma but... I figure it's worth reporting. It's a lot of hassle.


Or, you can take one cutting at a time and going back for more, but the plant states may have changed (or despawned entirely, it remains to be seen -- state does not seem to either progress or maintain consistently in remote neighborhoods while you are absent, eg, time does not 'flow' consistently across all places in the game if you are not "in" it -- which isn't a problem per se, just a problem with trying to find plants). 


In my opinion I'd put it down as a minor quality of life bug (compared to the puddles in my yard :P )

Message 3 of 78 (10,030 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch


I've added the thread. 

Anyone welcome to post extra info

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 4 of 78 (10,023 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

★★★ Apprentice

I was about to make a new thread when I saw this one, though mine are not stuck in my inventory and I can throw them away, graft, the usual, there is just no subtext noting what plant the splice was from. The subtext is not only wiped when traveling, but also upon reloading the game.

Message 5 of 78 (10,011 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch


Thanks for the report

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 6 of 78 (9,999 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

★ Novice

I travelled, and thats when I got the bug that the items no longer have meta data as to what original plant they come from.


I don't think "them vanishing when you travel" is really a solution. It makes them useless, and some of these cuttings are from a secret zone... so them actually working would be GOOD since I WANT to splice these rare plants!


We need an actual solution. This isnt it.

Message 7 of 78 (9,947 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch


Thanks for the report. 


I did add it to the list.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 8 of 78 (9,934 Views)

Re: Spliced Garden Shoot inventory glitch

★★★ Novice

thank you. i traveled and all the glitched items that i couldnt remove from my sims inventory disappeared! Standard smile

Message 9 of 78 (9,894 Views)

Cuttings lose identification when travelling.

★★★★★ Novice

If I go to a lot in Oasis Springs from Willow Creek, then whatever cuttings I have in my inventory, or take while I'm there, lose the subscript that tells me what plant I took them from. 


This gets a little awkward when I'm trying to get a specific crossbreed.

Message 10 of 78 (9,659 Views)