[FIXED] Social Menu not appearing for certain Sims

by KAJ3D

Original Post

Re: [OPEN] Social Menu not appearing for certain Sims

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

Hi I’m experiencing the same issue. Here’s my findings. 
Only one sim in my household is broken. He was created in CAS. He is an adult, 4 star celebrity, and has numerous reward traits. He is in the entertainer career. A pie menu does not pop up for himself or for social interactions with others. A pie menu does not pop up for guitars and violins in his inventory, but does with everything else in his inventory. A pie menu with less options than usual pops up for violins and guitars out of his inventory, but he can’t play them. He’s level 6 in violin and level 10 in guitar. He is level 10 in piano and can interact with it just fine, and seems to interact normally with all other objects besides guitars and violins.

His wife was a randomly generated townie whom he married and joined households, she is an adult, 1 star celebrity, with multiple reward traits, freelancer career and she is unbroken. I also have two teens, born in game, no fame, unbroken. Two toddlers, born in game, unbroken. 
To me it seems to do with high fame and string instruments? Would love to see this resolved and I hope this info helps some!

Update, since it seems it may be a trait, my sims traits are:

music lover






business savvy





seldom sleepy

the knowledge


inspired explorer


my unbroken sim also has seldom sleepy and muser so I’ve ruled those out. Sorry this post is so long now…!


Message 211 of 437 (1,300 Views)

I can't click on my Sim

★★★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Snowy Escape, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Parenthood, Dine Out, Spa Day, Nifty Knitting, My First Pet, Laundry Day, Toddler, Bowling Night, Vintage Glamour, Backyard, Romantic Garden, Movie Hangout, Spooky, Holiday.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go into game and click on the Sim
What happens when the bug occurs? I go to click on my Sim, like to change outfits or go jogging and when I click on the Sim i don't get the interaction menu. Nothing happens.
What do you expect to see? I want to be able to click on my Sim to get that Sim to do something..like change an outfi
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. It just started with the February 27th, 2024 update.

I can't click on my Sim.I tried to get my Sim to change outfit and I don't get any selections. I tried clicking on my Sim to go jogging and no selections. I have reset the Sim many times, I've moved house, I've tried other sims and it's the same and I have repaired the game. I don't know what else to do. I'm wondering if anyone is experiencing the same thing. 

Message 212 of 437 (1,138 Views)

Re: Game Problems after Update 27.02.2024

★★★ Newbie

You guys are lucky that your game opens, mine doesn't even do that anymore because it keeps endlessly loading the game on the EA App screen, I tried to repair it and nothing, I removed the mods folder before updating and nothing either, I'm considering removing the PC game and install it again.

Message 213 of 437 (1,040 Views)

Re: I can't click on my Sim

★★★★★ Guide

I cant click on any sims, nothing I can click ground but no clicky on sims

Message 214 of 437 (1,199 Views)

Re: Game Problems after Update 27.02.2024

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I'm unfortunately in the same boat; the new update has rendered the game unplayable. Only one Sim is usable and it's with limited functionality; I'm no longer able to interact with any of my other Sims, changing their outfits breaks the models (they've done it on their own a few times), after closing and restarting the game, the EA app no longer opens or starts. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app did not resolve this issue, and multiple restarts, disabling mods, etc. has fixed anything. Hopefully a fix comes soon.

Message 215 of 437 (995 Views)

Re: Social Menu not appearing for certain Sims/Saves

★★ Novice

- Do you have the issue with all your Sims ? No, just the woman of my family. She cannot interact with herself or others. Tested off lot also. Did “shift-click-ResetSim” a LOT, to her and others she was interacting with. No change.

- Did you test another save game and the same issue occured ? So I’m not sure if this qualifies, but I tested by playing another family I have in the same save for a little bit. It didn’t appear that anyone in that family was similarly affected.

- If it's isolated to a Sim, is that Sim an occult ? No, she just makes a lot of money with her horses, the competitions in Henford on Bagley and the nectar making she does. I’m doing occult in future generations of this family - IF the issue can get solved Frown

- Does the Sim have any fame ? No fame, completely unknown. She does have a pristine reputation. And this save does have the ability to gain fame because of a previous game issue that said we needed to opt-in and allow it because the opt-out was the problem.


*unsure if this is related, but loading screens seem to be taking longer as well. I have not tried any other separate saves in the game yet.

Message 216 of 437 (1,277 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Social Menu not appearing for certain Sims

★★★ Apprentice

Another thought on someone doing the trait removal test is that it's possible that because some traits unlock certain dialogue options that a certain option is bugged and thus affecting the whole dialogue tree.


As someone who played on console (PS4-PS5) for two years and been playing on the PC for a little over a year now, I transferred a lot of Sims I used on my console that I have on the gallery. One of course is my main Sim who has a lot of stats. Like woohoo-ing over 1200 times to give you an example of how busy he's been. All skills maxed out, have almost all the traits too.


I bring this up for a reason so hear me out. When I started using my main Sim on my PC playing, I started with the base game and slowly repurchased the packs. Hey, I wanted to play with mods and such and I'm glad I this change. But for the most part if a skill my Sim learned, feat he eared (or cheated to get), notebook entry was deleted like I have never earned those in the first place... except for fishing catches.


For some reason and I found this out later the notebook entries for fishing for fish you can only catch via another pack installed was still there, but since those fish can't show up because the pack needed for them to show up wasn't installed, I would get an error report for trying to check out the notebook entries. The plants were working and the ones I got from other packs were gone. The crops from Cottage Living was gone too.


The thing was, the fishing entries were fine with some Sims (even ones I transferred) and some caused the error. I assumed that mods I really wanted to play with like MCCC and for example were causing it and eventually in an update maybe that would be fixed. Especially MCCC trying to get me to get on Discord to figure out the problem. Anyway, I didn't feel like removing one mod at a time and testing it. It wasn't worth the effort to me.


Eventually overtime, once I purchased Jungle Adventure, they started working again because I finally got the last pack I needed to restore it. When I was looking to see which ones I had recatch to regain their notebook entries again, I found out that for some reason they were all there from the other packs. It just turned that the game tries to hold on to fishing entries, but not planet entries in your notebook or your skills or your traits that disappear or you fame if you were famous and don't have Get Famous when you are missing the pack necessary for your Sim to have all those things.


It could be the case with dialogue option where this specific one like the fishing one in my case where in this case, it's causing an error by having that dialogue option trying to be used and it can't.


It's worth a shot to investigate.

Message 217 of 437 (1,490 Views)

Sims 4 Update Glitch? 2/27/24

★★★★ Novice

I got the update today and my game is a mess. First of all, I didn't even get the dreaded icon for the in-game shop/cart. Is this a good thing? Also, I can't click on my sims at all. I have the selected sim click on a household member and nothing. It's as if the sim is not actually even there. I can't click on the selected sims themselves either. If the selected sim clicks on an object or even a horse/household pet, then there are options or interactions. But when I click on another sim, there is nothing, no menu...just a dead click. I don't have any mods in my game; I took them out before updating. I only have a small amount of hair cc which I put back in the game after updating.

Message 218 of 437 (1,384 Views)

Re: [OPEN] Social Menu not appearing for certain Sims

★ Novice

I was able to unbreak one family.  Uploaded to the gallery (I'm on PC) and my boyfriend downloaded (he's on Xbox.)  It worked in his game with no broken social menus, so he re-uploaded my family to the gallery.  When I placed them in my world (same world as my broken family) they worked.


We both have broken sims in our games, so we tried to repeat/reverse the process for his broken household, but it didn't work.


Both my original broken household and the working household are in the same neighborhood/save file.  I still have broken social menus for the original household, even though the re-downloaded version is working.


The same household that is broken has a backup save file from two days ago where they all still have social menus. 


Sims that have the menu options also become broken (after buying some veggies from a stand I lost the social menus.)


Sims $ is not working correctly when merging households, ending up with negative balances.


Sims are aging up without prompts before their time.  Had a teen sim (social menus working) immediately age upon loading into a lot even though she had 38 days remaining in the life stage.


I'm not sure if all these are related, but it all happened after the game update today.







Message 219 of 437 (1,570 Views)

Re: I can't click on my Sim

★★ Novice

Me too!! I’ve tried repairing the game, leaving the lot, deleted all mods, tried other saves. Can’t interact with no one or nothing, hard to build relationships care for infants if I can’t click on anyone. 😭😭 I can interact with objects and pets just not sims at all 

Message 220 of 437 (1,152 Views)