[FIXED] Neighbourhood stories not taking family into account

by CoolCoffeeCat

Original Post

Re: Sim wants to date cousin?

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Expert



<joking>That's legal in Texas!</joking>


Seriously, there's a bug report about it here:  https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Neighbourhood-stories-not-taking-family-into-account/m-p/11406...


You should click "Me, too." It might be legal in some jurisdictions Wink but it's not "legal" in the game, as all romance options between first cousins are locked out, so it's clearly not intended behavior. It looks like they were asking for saves as well, so if you're able to share yours...

Message 21 of 50 (2,083 Views)

Re: Sim wants to date cousin?

★★ Apprentice

Thank you so much! I'll go check out that other thread.

Message 22 of 50 (2,076 Views)

Re: Sim wants to date cousin?

@Stellybelly12 I merged your thread with the bug report.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 23 of 50 (2,025 Views)

Neighborhood Stories causing siblings to be in romantic relationships

★★★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go into a save file where there are multiple related sims living in different households or create one. Enable neighborhood stories with the friend and romance changes allowed. Wait for a phone call from a sim you are related to.
What happens when the bug occurs? Your sim will get a call from a friend or relation to tell you that the sim calling you is now in a relationship with their sibling or other inappropriate related sim.
What do you expect to see? Sims tagged as siblings not to be able to romance each other or get into romantic relationships.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The base game update of July 23, 2024

I removed all of my mods and CC after updating because I wanted to play and I don't want to use the mods/CC until they have been updated too. I had been playing for a few minutes when my sim got a text from her cousin saying that the cousin was now in a romantic relationship with her own brother. I went to their household to check and confirmed that they have a romance bar and are tagged as siblings, sweethearts, and partners. The cousin in question and her brother live in the same household. My sim lives in a different household. This happened via Neighborhood Stories, but sims that are related and tagged as such should not be able to romance each other.

Message 24 of 50 (2,111 Views)

Re: Neighborhood Stories causing siblings to be in romantic relationships

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide


Do you know if this reflected in the family tree/Sim Genealogy tab for the affected Sims, when you went to their household?


ETA: Also as above! Didn't see that message when I started typing haha.



Hi! I'm SimmerStar4 (they/them). I'm not an expert on game issues, so don't take me as one! I'm just a Sims player who wants to try and help fellow players, and who finds game bugs and issues interesting.

Message 25 of 50 (2,098 Views)

Re: Neighborhood Stories causing siblings to be in romantic relationships

★★★★★ Guide
@Jayrae316 Wow... I looked into the tuning files and was wondering about the lack of conditions, but I only thought about sexual orientation not being taken into account. But this is just next level carelessness.
Message 26 of 50 (2,077 Views)

Why is a Sim townie calling to say he is dating his mother?

★★ Apprentice

The Sim calling is the son of the Sim he says he’s dating. I use these townies in all my saves. The townie is my rl son’s Simself and the Sim he’s dating is my Simself 😩 this has never happened before. How do I make it stop?

Message 27 of 50 (1,980 Views)

Re: Why is a Sim townie calling to say he is dating his mother?

★★★★★ Guide
@Syxarp You should be save if you disable the new "Romantic Changes" in Neighborhood Stories. Another feature that just hasn't been tested properly...
Message 28 of 50 (1,857 Views)

Re: Neighborhood Stories causing siblings to be in romantic relationships

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Pro

How can you reproduce it? Create 2 adult sims, give them 6 children (young adult), split them in different households. They should still marked as played, and now active NS romance option. Wait until you get the NS notification that they romanced each other. (FreshSims 4 folder/game tested with patch 1.108.318.1020)


Please fix this. I want to use NS but not if this can happen!

Message 29 of 50 (1,808 Views)

Re: Why is a Sim townie calling to say he is dating his mother?

★★ Apprentice

I did turn off the relationships on neighborhood stories after this but the whole experience really freaked me out a little. I had to close the game.. I hope developers are aware of this problem and fix it immediately. I play with no mods or cc and when I checked in game the 2 Sims relationship was still listed as mother and son. 

Message 30 of 50 (1,717 Views)